The Lazy Person’s Way to Meditate
Issue #383 – Monday, July 31st, 2023
When you think of meditation…
…do you picture hard work?
It’s true that pop culture used to frame meditation as a diligent, strict practice where monks sit cross-legged beneath a tree, being still for hours on end, complete with a rigorous minimalist lifestyle.
But thanks to our growing understanding of the brain, now meditation is more accessible than ever, and can come in many different shapes and sizes.
Thanks to Holosync, you can still get all the emotional, spiritual, and physical benefits that meditation has to offer right in your own home (in a fraction of the time!).
But still, too many people aren’t giving themselves that small slice of their day that they need to reap all of these powerful benefits.
These folks easily spend multiple hours a day “plugged in” looking at their phones. Meanwhile, they say they don’t have time to sit down, relax, and reflect on themselves - where they fit in the grand scheme, what they can do to improve, and how to get what they really want out of life...
...even though it’s so easy.
Now if you’re reading this and thinking, “But I can’t sacrifice an hour a day to just sit still - I’m too busy!”
Then you are the person who needs meditation the most!
That’s why this week, I dug into the Centerpointe Vault to bring you one of Bill’s essays on how easy it is to meditate thanks to a little technological help.
You’ll also learn a little about the journey that Bill went through to find a way to bring all the benefits of meditation to the average household.
I know you’re going to love this!

Centerpointe CEO
P.S. Our next Safe-Connection Group Coaching Call is this Wednesday, August 2 at Noon PT (3PM ET). This time the topic will be:
Vanquishing the Shadow of Shame
The Key to Healing the Wounded Self
This live group coaching call is for Centerflow Healing Trauma Solution customers only, but there’s still time to sign up!
Visit the Check it Out section below to learn more.
The Lazy Person’s Way to Meditate
By Bill Harris
Most people, at some point, at least try meditation.
In addition to the age-old spiritual benefits, thousands of research studies have demonstrated that meditation increases awareness, well-being, and equanimity…
…relieves anxiety, depression and other mental health problems; increases mental clarity; and reduces the stress associated with many medical problems.
Meditation, though, can take months to learn, and years—even decades—to master.

Many people try to meditate, but quit before they get any significant results. “Too hard,” they say. “Too much work.”
But what if there was an easier way?
What if you could skip the learning curve and meditate as deeply and consistently as an experienced Zen monk?
Science fiction, you say? Well, you’d be half right, because this new approach to meditation is already used by nearly a million people all over the world—and it’s based on hard science.
I began traditional meditation at age 19 to get rid of crushing emotional problems. Unlike most people who try meditation for a while but don’t persevere…
...I kept it up for sixteen years. As I reached my mid-thirties, though—despite disciplined persistence, a few isolated breakthroughs and some interesting experiences…
...I was still miserable. I did have some results—occasionally even what seemed to be small breakthroughs.
But I just wasn’t getting to the underlying cause of my unhappiness.
Then, I found neuro-technology.
An acquaintance gave me a ten-minute cassette tape (this was before CDs) designed to…
...“change your brain waves” to those of deep meditation.
Although skeptical, I gave it a try—and was amazed by the results. In moments I felt “deeper” than I did after a forty-five minute meditation (on a good day), peaceful, centered, in touch with my inner core.
I felt great—and the feeling lingered for hours.
The crude technology on that cassette (which, after much study and experimentation, became the basis of the world-famous Holosync® audio technology…
...now used by nearly 2 million people in 193 countries), is based on two streams of research:
- Widely-known studies on the brain wave patterns of experienced meditators, and
- Lesser-known research describing how brain waves can be changed (or entrained) using precise combinations…
...of pure sine wave tones delivered to the brain through stereo headphones.
As I refined and improved this technology, what I experienced as I used it literally blew my mind. Not only did I experience states of incredibly deep meditation…
...I also began to release lots of unresolved emotional material—followed by incredible calmness, peace of mind, and mental clarity.
Best of all, I began having the personal breakthroughs I’d sought for so many years. My anger melted away. My depression evaporated. I began to feel more and more comfortable in my own skin. My whole life changed.
Holosync was giving me the benefits of a long-term meditation practice, but in a fraction of the time—and without the long learning curve.
How It Works
Our minds chop the world into separate things and events, seeing some as “good” and others as “bad”.
Because of this, we often feel at odds with other people and the world. We even feel at odds with ourselves. We think something is missing…
...so we strive for that missing “something” we hope will help us feel more fulfilled and alive.
We assume there’s something “out there” that we need, when actually it’s something internal. Meditation quiets this internal battle.
As this happens, we become increasingly aware of how everything is connected. Stress and separation-based problems dissolve. We begin to experience fulfillment in the activities of everyday life…
...regardless of what happens around us. Though we still do things, go places, and strive to get things, we do it in a more lighthearted way.
And, ironically, when we live in this way more of our external desires are met—and, we enjoy them more.
These changes are reflected in the brain. When you feel separate, your brain is lateralized—one hemisphere is dominant over the other.
The greater the lateralization, the greater the feelings of anxiety, separation, and dis-ease. As our brain hemispheres synchronize, however…
...we relax. We see and feel how everything goes together. Well-being increases. Stress diminishes.

As synchrony increases, electrical patterns in your brain slow from the more jangled and stressed beta pattern…
...to a slower alpha pattern, associated with relaxation, effortless focus, and even joy—a flow state.
With practice, some meditators experience still slower theta waves, associated with visionary experiences, deep intuition, and insights about the meaning of life.
A few rare individuals learn to make the slowest brain wave patterns. This is the “Holy Grail” of meditation, and Holosync allows even first-time users to achieve it.
Those living in this “awakened mind” state are more productive, happier, and capable of more intimacy, creativity, and wholeness.
The brain produces more of a wide range of pleasurable and health-enhancing brain chemicals associated with increased mental clarity and feelings of well-being.
You become happy, content, and peaceful about your life.
Publications such as Time and Newsweek have devoted entire issues to the mental, physical, and emotional benefits of meditation…
...and respected scientists meet with the Dalai Lama to discuss it.
Meditation takes considerable time and effort to master. Now, though, research has revealed a way to create these same beneficial brain wave patterns, quickly and easily.
Holosync is an easy way to get all the benefits of meditation, but in a fraction of the time.
Today, over two million people in 193 countries have used Holosync to improve their lives…
…and it’s used and endorsed by top personal and spiritual growth teachers, doctors, and therapists all over the world.
Holosync allows any person to experience the many benefits of a long-term meditation practice…
...previously available only to those willing to meditate many hours a day twenty or more years.
So if you’re one of those who have tried meditation but found it difficult, there’s hope for you after all!
Check It Out!
Centerflow Healing Trauma Solution
Comprehensive Trauma-Healing Program
Sign up today & join our next Safe-Connection Group Coaching Call
Vanquishing the Shadow of Shame
The Key to Healing the Wounded Self
Wednesday, August 2 at 12PM PT (3PM ET)
Centerflow Healing Trauma Solution combines our most advanced neuro-audio technology, 1-on-1 coaching, and group coaching to provide you with the ultimate at-home trauma healing solution.
- SIX powerful trauma-healing solutions that use a mix of our Holosync, Autofonix, and Lateral Carrier Boost technologies to target specific symptoms of trauma.
- FOUR extraordinary bonuses including a listening guide, healing journal, 1-on-1 coaching and monthly Safe-Connection group coaching
It’s our most powerful trauma-healing collection ever!
Wise Words

This Really Happened
Day 1. I really enjoyed it, I feel more relaxed and more comfortable than I did before listening.... Thank you for sharing!
~Elizabeth C
5-Day Challenge Participant
In Case You Missed It - Listen to It!
The Gratitude Filter
AKA “Let Whatever Happens Be Okay”
By Bill Harris
July 10, 2023
We Want to Hear From You!
How can you fit meditation into your day?
Post your story on our Facebook Page.
Not on Facebook? Tell me about the impact that meditation with Holosync has had on your daily life. Stress? Sleep? Weight Loss? Focus? Spiritual Connection? Other? Email your story here.