“Your threshold is the point where you begin to focus on what you don't want.
- Bill Harris
An Inside Look at the Brain (How Gamma Waves Give Us More Power Over Our Emotions)
Issue #465 – Monday, March 3, 2025
What if you had the power to shift your emotions, reduce stress, and even slow the aging of your brain—just by tapping into a specific brainwave state?
Exciting new research has given us a never-before-seen look inside the brain during meditation, and the results confirm something we’ve long believed at Centerpointe: Gamma waves are the key to greater emotional control, memory enhancement, and overall well-being.
That’s why today I’m sharing an eye-opening essay from Mind Power Managing Editor Ryan Standifird all about the connection between gamma and the brain.
Ryan explores groundbreaking findings from the Mt. Sinai School of Medicine—findings that reveal exactly how meditation influences the brain from the inside out.
If you’ve ever wondered how meditation actually rewires your brain for more peace, joy, and resilience, this is one you won’t want to miss.
MaryEllen Tribby
Centerpointe CEO

MaryEllen Tribby
Centerpointe CEO
Ready to take control of how you age? We just released our most powerful Holosync collection yet—The Ageless Vitality Suite—designed specifically to slow and even reverse the effects of aging.
Scroll down to the “Check It Out” section below to learn more!
Gamma Waves Give Us More Power Over Our Emotions New Insights from Inside the Brain
By Ryan Standifird
Meditation and brainwaves go hand-in-hand.
Our brainwave patterns control our mood, our neurochemicals, our stress levels and even our digestion. Meditation gives us influence over our brainwave patterns so that we can trigger powerful healing, relieve stress, and balance our emotions when we need it.
But did you know that almost all of the studies that build the foundation of our understanding of brainwaves are based on data collected from outside the brain?
Typical electroencephalogram (EEG) devices that measure brainwaves rest on the scalp. These devices are the bread and butter of neuroscientists when it comes to measuring brainwaves.
But now a new study takes a never-before-seen look at what happens from inside the brain (specifically in the amygdala - responsible for emotional processing - and the hippocampus - responsible for memory retrieval and consolidation) during a loving-kindness meditation - a meditation often associated with the gamma brainwave state.
The View from Inside Your Brain
This first-of-its-kind study out of Mt. Sinai School of Medicine recruited patients who have severe epilepsy, and who have undergone a procedure to implant electrode devices in their brains to help regulate their illness. Through these devices, scientists are able to catch a rare glimpse at the interior processes that happen when these participants meditate.
The participants in the study were given a loving-kindness meditation recording to guide them through their session. This particular meditation directs them to focus on gratitude and appreciation for life. During the meditation, scientists recorded the fluctuations in brainwave activity in the amygdala and hippocampus.
What did they find?
The researchers saw that during the meditation, gamma wave activity activated in the amygdala and the hippocampus. Meanwhile, beta wave activity diminished in both parts of the brain as well.
Okay, so what does this mean for you?
A New Milestone in Meditation & Science
First of all, these findings confirm in a whole new way how meditation influences our brainwaves. Science is constantly ensuring that our assumptions of how the brain works stays true, even using different methods, devices, and environments.
But even more than just confirming what we already know about meditation, it also gave us a more detailed explanation of the interactions between the amygdala and the hippocampus during meditation.
The amygdala is often seen as the part of the brain responsible for emotional regulation. It’s the part that activates when it senses danger, flooding our brains with cortisol and activating our “fight-or-flight” response.
But during the loving-kindness meditation in this study, the amygdala was instead soothed, even elated.
And scientists could see that the hippocampus - the part of the brain that’s responsible for memory consolidation and retrieval - was also being activated.
As participants were instructed to focus on the things in life they appreciate and are grateful for, the hippocampus acts to retrieve memories and experiences related to those emotions. Once accessed, they were passed onto the amygdala to process the experience and emotions.
Your Brain on Gamma
So, what does this mean for you?
This study confirms what we’ve been asserting here at Centerpointe for years - the gamma brainwave pattern is a powerful meditative state that helps with emotional regulation and “feel-good” brain chemicals, and so much more.
It soothes the amygdala, relieves stress, and promotes emotional regulation. It helps with memory consolidation, reduces anxiety, and can even help overcome mood disorders.
Gamma has also been associated with anti-aging effects. Scientists have found that subjects exposed to gamma soundwaves had less amyloid brain plaque buildup and accumulated less tau tangles in the brain.
Both brain plaque and tau tangles are associated with the onset of cognitive diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia. And when the brain is under stress, it can cause these neurological problems to accelerate. Excess cortisol - the stress chemical - is greatly associated with higher levels of cognitive diseases.
So imagine if you could use gamma brainwaves to influence the major cortisol-producing part of the brain - the amygdala - and put it into a more stable, beneficial state, when tensions rise.
That’s the true power of meditation!
Meditation Unlocks Your Life
You see, meditation is much more than just a quiet moment to yourself. The effects of meditation on your life are more profound than you think.
Meditation empowers us with awareness and more control over our brain function so that we can set ourselves up for more happiness, success, and love in our lives.
It gives us a choice in what we think and how we feel, so we can better choose how we behave. It helps us take responsibility for our lives so that we can live with intention.
And thanks to our Holosync neuro-audio technology, it’s now effortless to meditate - and get all the benefits.
So remember that the next time you’re feeling stressed out or worried or upset, you can choose to take a few minutes and meditate. Reflect on the things in life you’re grateful for. Activate that amygdala and regulate those emotions. Your brain will thank you.
And by the way, we’ve made it even easier to use Holosync anytime, anywhere, thanks to the new MyHolosync App available on your favorite mobile device. For those times when you want instant relief from life’s frustrations, you’re just a couple taps away from powerful meditative states.
You can learn more about the MyHolosync App and download it right here.
Check It Out!
Ageless Vitality Suite

The “Fountain of Youth” was in the brain all along!
And we’re giving you the keys to harness it.
The four powerful Holosync soundtracks in the Ageless Vitality Suite make it easy to:
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Best of all, you’ll see powerful results with no pills, creams, or injections!
It’s time to stop letting your age hold you back from the life you deserve.
Wise Words
“Meditation empowers us with awareness and more control over our brain function so that we can set ourselves up for more happiness, success, and love in our lives.” - Ryan Standifird
This Really Happened
"I swear by meditating with Holosync. I cannot say enough good about it–it has been literally life changing for me over these years." ❤️
Holosync User
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