Caring for an Aging Brain (Three Habits to Embrace)

Issue #396 – Monday, October 30, 2023

By Ryan Standifird

My first child just had his first birthday earlier this month, and our extended family from out of state came to our little Oregon town to celebrate.

It was such a blessing to see my in-laws and my parents mingling; my brother and brother-in-law were cracking jokes and shooting the breeze about the latest video games.

And my grandmother was there, too. She often sat off to the side, a puzzled look on her face.

“Who are these people?” she asked my mom more than a few times.

“It’s your great-grandson’s birthday party,” my mom would tell her over and over. “Ryan’s son, Jack, just turned one. That’s his wife, Linda. Those are her parents and her brother.”

“Ryan got married?” she asked. “He didn’t invite me to the wedding.”

“Yes he did, you were there,” my mom would say and show her the wedding photos she had already shown her multiple times on her phone.

You see, at age 78, my grandmother has Alzheimer’s. 

paper card with a human head design

And she’s not alone.

In fact, scientists and doctors are sounding the alarm that cognitive issues like Alzheimer’s and dementia are growing at a disturbing rate.

Major Causes of Cognitive Decline

Many different people have mentored and inspired me over the years and this asset has been INVALUABLE to my success. The qualities of If you know someone facing challenges like Alzheimer’s, then you know just how devastating it can be. But how do people end up with these terrible problems in the first place?

Scientists have been trying to understand what causes dementia and Alzheimer’s to take over the brain for years, and one recent study provides some new dots to connect.

The study was conducted by Karolinska Institutet in Sweden and looked at the relationship between chronic stress, depression, and Alzheimer’s.

They identified over 44 thousand Swedish residents between the ages of 18 - 65 who were diagnosed with either chronic stress or depression between 2013 and 2014 and followed their medical history over 8 years.

After the 8 years were up, they then compared the rates of those who developed Alzheimer’s with that of the other 1.36 million residents in the same age group who were not diagnosed with either chronic stress or depression.

The result?

Those with either chronic stress or depression were over 2x more likely to contract Alzheimer’s than those who did not have either of those conditions!

This backs up the assertions made by previous studies that also singled out stress as a major cause of cognitive decline.

Here are some of the key observations from those other studies:

-Stress causes your adrenal glands to produce and release cortisol into the bloodstream

-Cortisol has been shown to increase abnormal tau proteins (tau tangles) in the brain

-Cortisol has been shown to increase amyloid plaque accumulation in the brain

-Cortisol leads to a brain that’s older than the body due to “rapid brain aging”

-Cortisol increases blood pressure and heart rate and strains your system

-Cortisol disrupts the brain’s balance of hormones and neurotransmitters

-Women can produce up to 3x more cortisol than men can after age 60

-Cortisol is a leading factor that contributes to the onset of depression

-Alzheimer’s victims have high levels of tau tangles and brain plaque

The pattern is becoming more and more undeniable.

Stress - and the cortisol that is released because of it - is now suspected to be the biggest factor when it comes to developing cognitive issues like dementia and Alzheimer’s.

So what can we do to protect our brains from out of control cortisol production?
this person should include:

-Profound knowledge of the laws that govern the universe
-Positive, proven results in his/her own life

Your mentor should be someone with whom you can talk once per month, every month (and email any time in between).

How to Protect Your Brain 

You must open your mind to new ideas on a regular basis.

So often, we get stuck in rutIt’s clear that stress is a major villain when it comes to your brain health.

From rapidly aging your brain to increasing brain plaque production and overstimulating your “fight-or-flight” response, stress wreaks havoc on your brain - and your whole life suffers because of it.

But there are ways to mitigate the hold that stress has on our lives.

In fact, there are some folks out there who are so resistant to stress that their brain scans reveal brains that appear to be younger than their bodies!

What’s their secret?

Some of it may be genetics. But for the most part, it’s the habits that these folks form that set them up for a life of less stress, more happiness, and better brain health.

Here are three habits that - if you can implement them into your life - will help you build up a resistance to stress and the toxic cortisol that it creates.s in our lives and once we’re in one, it is really, really hard to get out.

So you need to find a trusted source of inspiration… that you can count on regularly, with new concepts to absorb and actionable tools that you can apply to your life.

Stress Resistance Habit #1: Get Enough Sleep

It sounds obvious but the truth is…

…less than half of the adult population gets the recommended amount of sleep each night!

Not only does poor sleep lead to excess cortisol production, but it’s during sleep that the brain flushes out toxins, balances hormones, and repairs itself.

Doctors recommend 7-9 hours of sleep each night, and if you aren’t getting at least 6 hours of sleep, then you will start to accumulate “sleep debt” which is leftover toxins, stress, or other uncleansed issues that are normally resolved after a sufficient night of sleep.

Scientists say that it takes 4 consecutive nights of good sleep to make up for 1 hour of sleep debt!

If you’re finding that you aren’t getting enough sleep, please check out Holosync Sleep Suite II: The Complete Sleep Solution which has everything you need to fix your sleep cycle, combat secondary insomnia, and get the best healing sleep of your life.

Stress Resistance Habit #2: Socialize & Have Fun

Engaging in social activities and having fun with others is one of the major ways that you can build up resistance to stress.

That’s because these types of interactions release oxytocin into the brain - a hormone that counteracts the ill effects of cortisol and is known to provide a whole host of other health benefits.

grandmother and mother touching foreheads together

In a world where genuine connection has been largely replaced by screens and texts, folks are feeling more lonely than ever. But if you can reach out and engage with others in-person, it will really help give a boost to your brain health.

Stress Resistance Habit #3: Meditate

You knew I was going to mention meditation, didn’t you? Well I have some pretty good reasons for including it here!

Meditation is one of the most powerful tools you have to combat excessive stress and cortisol production - especially if you meditate with Holosync!

You see, not only does meditating with Holosync help you release stress more effectively, but Holosync targets very specific meditative states that address a wide range of issues that could be plaguing your brain right now.

For example, there is mounting evidence that the gamma brainwave state can help clear up brain plaque and tau tangles.

The theta brainwave state is associated with creativity, emotional processing and memory consolidation.

The delta brainwave state is where natural healing occurs, neurochemicals are balanced, and stress resistance is shored up.

All of these states are extremely difficult to access if you’re not a meditation master. But Holosync makes it as easy as pushing a button!

The Holosync Hack for Quick & Easy Brain Health

If you want to start addressing rampant cortisol production quickly and easily, we just released a powerful new Holosync suite that anyone can use to do just that.

It’s called Beautiful Brain and it was created to help you stop (and even reverse) excess cortisol production that leads to rapid brain aging.

There’s currently no way of fixing issues like Alzheimer’s once it’s taken hold. But there are steps you can take today to help protect your brain from getting to that point of no return.

Follow this link to learn more about Beautiful Brain.

Check It Out!
Beautiful Brain

Did you know that most people have a brain that has a “Brain Age” that’s OLDER than their body?

But now we’ve made it easy to turn back the clock with our newest Holosync collection:

Beautiful Brain

By harnessing the power of brain balance, clarity, and resilience, Beautiful Brain will help you:

Cultivate feelings of peace and centeredness
Make your brain younger & healthier
Strengthen your mental resilience
Reverse rapid brain aging
Balance neurochemicals
Reduce memory lapse
Blow away brain fog 

beautiful brain product image cover

 And much more!

You see, “anti-aging” isn’t just for your skin.

Now you can create the kind of healing and rejuvenation your brain needs to reclaim its vitality, its wit, its energy, its inspiration and its power.

And the sooner you start, the sooner you’ll see results.

Wise Words

woman holding head from stress

This Really Happened

On Day 3 I found myself able to concentrate more easily and I felt I had more clarity with increased confidence in myself. Not tired throughout the day either as I usually am. I was also able to have a deep restful sleep. This is feeling like I'm gaining a calmer sense of peace, clarity and energy. Feels good. Can't wait to see what the effects of the rest of the days are.

~Kat M.
5-Day Challenge Participant

In Case You Missed It - Listen to It!

Check out our audio recording of the Mind Power essay:

Youtube cover image

By Marc Gilson
October 9, 2023

We Want to Hear From You!

Which vital tool is your favorite?

Post your story on our Facebook Page.

Not on Facebook? Tell me about the impact that meditation with Holosync has had on your daily life. Stress? Sleep? Weight Loss? Focus? Spiritual Connection? Other? Email your story here.

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