Your Cheat-Sheet to Success in 2024 (3 Tips to Achieve Any Goal More Effectively)

Issue #405 – Monday, January 8, 2024

By Ryan Standifird

The first week of 2024 is already in the history books, and that means many of us have made progress towards our goals for the year.

Whether you want to lose weight, write a book, learn a new skill, break a bad habit, obtain a certification, start a business, or any of the other major milestones…

…there are three things you need in order to reach them.

Three Things You Need to Reach Your Goals

1. A Clear Objective
2. A Plan of Action
3. Consistency

Yes - the road to reaching any goal starts and ends with these three things. Without any one of them, you’re likely to get lost, get frustrated, or get distracted. And that means you won’t reach your destination.

But if you can get these three things to work for you, you’ll reach your goals every time.

So today I want to share some tips that’ll help you improve each of these three things so you can be more successful in 2024 and beyond.

Tip #1: A More Specific Objective Is Much More Effective

The more clear and specific you can make your goal, the more effective your efforts will be.

In a recent study out of the University of Texas at Arlington, researchers sought to determine if they could improve focus, attention, and results by setting more specific objectives.

So they gathered over 100 participants and conducted an experiment using a reaction time test.

At first, the participants were told just to raise their hand when they hear a beep. As the minutes passed, the participants started to get distracted, and their reaction time got worse and worse.

people raising their hands in class

So then the researchers told the participants to try and keep their reaction times within 450 milliseconds.

With this new, more specific goal, the reaction times greatly improved!

The same happened when they asked for faster response times of 400 milliseconds, and then 350 milliseconds. With each new specific target, the participants' results improved dramatically.


It’s because their brains could visualize the goal more clearly. They could also see how quickly they were responding and adjust their strategy accordingly. And because they had to be more engaged to reach these goals, their brains automatically dedicated more energy to hitting the specific target.

The same is true for your goals this year.

For example, one of my big goals in 2024 is to write a novel. Well, the more specific I can be about what that novel entails, the more effective I can be in creating it.

How many chapters are in the novel? How many words? How many characters? What’s the setting? How will the characters change by the end?

The more clear I can make the goal, the easier and more in-depth I can be in planning a strategy and following it consistently.

Tip #2: Create an Easy-to-Follow Action Plan

So you’ve got your goal and you’ve made it specific. That’ll help a lot when it comes to crafting an action plan, as you’ll see in just a moment.

Now arguably the most effective method for creating your action plan is to take your larger goals and break them up into smaller, easier goals.

What does that look like?

Let’s take my goal of writing a novel again. I know that this novel will likely be around 100,000 words - something specific that I decided in Tip #1.

That sounds like a huge endeavor - 100,000 words is an intimidating number!

But just watch what happens when I plan effectively.

See, I can break that 100,000 words into 20 chapters of 5,000 words each.

Okay, that sounds a little less scary and still a lot of work. But wait - I’m not done.

To ensure that I reach my goal to finish the book before the year is up, I am going to set a new, smaller goal:

Finish 2 chapters a month for 10 months.

That means I’ll reach my 100,000 words by the end of October, which also gives me time to edit the novel in November and December.

This still feels like a lot, so let’s get even more granular.

10,000 words every month means 2,500 words a week…

…or roughly 360 words a day.

That’s it! That’s definitely doable.

So you see how 100,000 words can seem a bit scary and overwhelming. But 360 words is almost empowering.

Just 360 words? Easy!

Because we’ve created an effective & easy-to-follow plan of action, this goal is now much more likely to be accomplished than if I just thought, “Yeah, I’ll write that book this year somehow.”

Plus I can track, measure, and adjust my plan depending on the results I’m getting.

All that’s left now is the hard part: to follow through and be consistent.

Tip #3: Consistency & Adaptability

The plan that I’ve created from my specific goal is useless if I don’t stick to it!

That’s where consistency - something our CEO calls the “Most Boring Super Power” - is essential.

By breaking out my plan into a daily routine, I’m doing two things.

1. I’m laying the groundwork to start a habit of writing every day, which will still help me long after the book has been written and published.

2. I’m able to easily measure how well I’m sticking to the plan so that I can adjust accordingly.

And that brings me to a major tip when it comes to consistency:

Be flexible so you can adapt your plan as circumstances change!

I’m planning on writing my daily 360 words in the morning when I wake up, before I start work.

But what if one day I miss my alarm? What if one morning my son wakes up sick and I can’t write during my usual time because I’m taking care of him? What if one day I wake up and my computer won’t turn on?

man waking up and hitting alarm clock

That’s where adaptability is crucial!

When things don’t go according to plan, it becomes easy to give up and abandon the main goal entirely. But if you want to truly succeed this year, you need to be tenacious. It’s impossible to plan for every single possible outcome, so be willing to adjust in-the-moment.

For me, that means that if I miss my window to write in the morning, maybe I’ll write in the evening before bed. Or I’ll write 720 words the next day during my usual time. Either way, as long as I keep track and am willing to adapt to the new circumstances, I’ll still reach my goal.

Procrastination: The Devourer of Dreams

No matter what goal you’re pursuing this year, make sure you’re aware of the biggest reason your goals won’t come to fruition:


Procrastination is the #1 reason people don’t make progress towards their biggest desires - no matter what time of year it is.

What’s worse: procrastination in itself is a difficult habit to break.

That’s why we created a powerful Holosync suite designed to help you break free from procrastination once and for all!

It’s called Procrastination Eliminator and it’s already helped so many folks finally reach the dreams they’ve been putting off year after year.

This special collection features four game-changing Holosync soundtracks, powerful anti-procrastination accountability coaching, and an easy-to-follow action plan that’ll help you overcome your procrastination tendencies while establishing a new habit of action (in less than 1 month)!

I know it’ll be a huge help towards your goals this year.

You can learn more about Procrastination Eliminator here.

Check It Out!
Procrastination Eliminator

Do you want to break free of the debilitating cycle of procrastination that keeps most people from reaching their dreams?

Do you wish you could finally act instead of dreaming, scheming, and planning?

Are you ready to stop making excuses and start making progress?

Then you need the ultimate tool to finally conquer procrastination forever:

Procrastination Eliminator
Rewiring Your Brain for Ultimate Success & Happiness

This three-pronged approach uses our neuro-audio Holosync and Autofonix technologies combined with a Fast Track 28-Day Action Plan and Accountability Coaching to completely wipe out your current procrastination tendencies and replace them with a habit of action that gets you real results.

When we stop procrastinating, we become our best selves.

Wise Words

arrow on pavement that says your goal

This Really Happened

Day 1. I started the holosync meditation feeling anxious, agitated and rushed. During the meditation my mind completely calmed down and thoughts floated by like little white clouds. My anxiety disappeared and my breathing returned to normal. I now feel calm, relaxed and peaceful. Thank you.
~Christina H.
5-Day Challenge Participant

In Case You Missed It - Listen to It!

Check out our audio recording of the Mind Power essay:

Youtube video cover image

By Bill Harris
December 18, 2023

We Want to Hear From You!

What is your big goal this year?

Post your story on our Facebook Page.

Not on Facebook? Tell me about the impact that meditation with Holosync has had on your daily life. Stress? Sleep? Weight Loss? Focus? Spiritual Connection? Other? Email your story here.

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