High-Tech or Low-Tech Meditation?

Issue #431 – Monday, July 8, 2024

Meditation -- High Tech or Low Tech?

By Bill Harris

Back in 1985, I began experimenting with what developed into the Holosync audio technology we use in the Centerpointe program.

Prior to that, I'd spent 16 years as a "traditional" meditator. 

Low Tech Meditation

I learned TM in 1969 and practiced it faithfully for many years. I later learned about their advanced TM Siddhi program. During this time I also was initiated into Kriya Yoga (from the Yogananda tradition, for those of you familiar with "Autobiography of a Yogi").

I read many books on Eastern mysticism and philosophy, spent time with many meditation teachers, gurus, yogis, and the like, and was very absorbed in practicing the traditional approach.

When a friend gave me a cassette tape one day and told me it contained a sound technology that would put me in a deep meditative state, I thought the idea was ridiculous.

"People have been meditating in a certain way for centuries for a reason. If there was a better way, Maharishi, or Yogananda, or some other enlightened master would have already thought of it."

I refused to even try it.

High Tech Meditation

One day about three weeks later I happened to wear the same jacket I'd been wearing that day, and found the cassette my friend had given me in the pocket. "What's this?" I thought. "Oh, yes. The "push-button" meditation scam."

But I stuck it in my walkman and put on some headphones and tried it.

It was 10 minutes long -- and it blew my mind!

I had an incredible meditation -- better than a really "good" day after 45 minutes or so of traditional meditation. And though it was tough for me to reconcile with my traditional background, I had to admit there was obviously something to it.

I began doing some research and reading and eventually borrowed some tone generators and other equipment from the University of Portland engineering lab and started making my own soundtracks for meditation. A group of us started using these soundtracks and over about four and a half years we became convinced -- based on experience -- that something really remarkable was happening.

An Inspiration to Spark a Movement

I've described in detail elsewhere how that four and a half years changed my spiritual awareness, my personality and my life, so I won't go into it here other than to say that all of us noticed within a fairly short time that we were having classical meditation experiences we'd read about in various scriptures and accounts of famous yogis that, despite being very disciplined long-time meditators, we'd never (or rarely) had, even after years of practice!

Then, as we began to see other changes in mental abilities, inner peace, happiness, and self-awareness, we knew we had something.

In late 1989, Wes Wait, one of the other people who'd been experimenting with me, and I started Centerpointe.

Real Results

I bring all of this up because from time to time people are led to our website or in some other way hear about Centerpointe…

…but because they are heavily involved in a certain spiritual tradition or are practicing a certain method, they are skeptical that the Centerpointe program really is meditation or that it isn't some kind of gimmick.

My answer to that is one word: results.

As someone who meditated in a very disciplined way for a long time, I really had experience with which to compare my progress using Holosync.

All of us in the original group, in fact, agreed that we had had more change and more evolution in the first year of using Holosync than in all the previous years of traditional meditation.

Since then I've heard hundreds of Centerpointe participants say the same thing.

"But you aren't really paying the price," some people say.

They think we're trying to take a shortcut, and that shortcuts don't work.

I want to tell you that the Centerpointe program, while it does dramatically accelerate growth…

…is not a shortcut.

You still have to deal with yourself as you go through the program.

You still have to face your dark side in the process.

You still have to come to grips with giving up the old map of reality you've created over the years, despite the fact that you may have become very attached to it.

Growth is rarely easy, and it isn't always easy in this program. The stimulus that creates the growth, however -- Holosync -- does move things along much faster.

The one thing you can say, though, is that with this program change really does happen, and it happens in a big way.

A Fear of Dependence

Another group of people are afraid they'll become "dependent" on the tapes.

I would say you are no more dependent on the tapes than you are on the mantra you might be repeating to meditate now, or any other approach.

We're doing all of this to get results, whether it's greater spiritual awareness, more happiness, less suffering, greater inner peace, or one of several other things, and the program creates those results.

In addition, people in this program actually become much better at traditional meditation, too, because their nervous system is becoming more balanced and their mind is becoming quieter.

And, since I've stopped and started the tapes myself many times, I can tell you that there is no "withdrawal" if you stop -- and, you don't lose any of the gains you've made, either.

In fact, a momentum is created that keeps you moving even after you stop.

It’s Worth a Try

I can identify with those of you who are practicing a certain tradition and are afraid doing something like this program is going against what you've been taught.

I was the same way.

All I ask is that you consider the results you want and the fact that the Centerpointe Program will get you there faster than anything else I've seen in my 30 years of spiritual practice.

So why not give it a try?

You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.

Check It Out!

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Over 90% of the time, the weight you lose from diet and exercise comes back before you know it (and oftentimes you end up heavier than when you started).


It’s not a problem with willpower, laziness or calories. No - the source of this “rubber band effect” is actually much deeper than that.

That’s why we created Holosync Weight Loss Solution - to address the Big Three Weight Loss Barriers that keep you stuck in a cycle of losing and regaining the same 10, 20, 30 lbs over and over again. 

This is the key to lasting weight loss you haven’t tried before!

Wise Words

This Really Happened

"The tension in my shoulders and neck has relaxed and when I go to bed my hands used to stiffen into a claw which I would have to mentally relax them several times before I fell asleep. Not any more though.  So thank you for allowing me into your 5 day challenge."

~Denise S
5-Day Challenge Participant

We Want to Hear From You!

What bad habit would you like to ditch this year?

Post your story on our Facebook Page.

Not on Facebook? Tell me about the impact that meditation with Holosync has had on your daily life. Stress? Sleep? Weight Loss? Focus? Spiritual Connection? Other? Email your story here.

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