Thursday, January 16, 2025
By Marc Gilson
It’s hard to believe that it’s been almost seven years since we lost our friend and founder, Bill Harris. I had the privilege of working alongside Bill for 22 years until his passing in 2018. Spend that much time with someone, and you’re bound to get to know them on a deep level.
For me, it was like having a front-row seat to watch a master manifestor in action. Bill started Centerpointe at his kitchen table—literally—armed with nothing more than some audio recording gear, a head full of groundbreaking ideas, and an unwavering vision. Those ideas would go on to transform the lives of millions worldwide.
But while most of us know Bill as a personal growth pioneer and the creator of Holosync, there was another side to him that deserves celebrating:
Bill the musician: a talented saxophonist and pianist. Bill’s love for music was undeniable.
So today, as we honor what would have been Bill’s 75th birthday, I wanted to reflect on this lesser-known but deeply meaningful part of his life.
As a musician myself, Bill and I bonded over music and its incredible power to heal, inspire, and connect. Music was more than a passion for Bill—it was an integral part of his journey and his ability to touch so many lives.
I got to see Bill perform with his jazz quartet several times, and each performance felt like a rare treat. Watching my boss play jazz was more than a novelty—it was a chance to see him in a completely different light. Outside of the entrepreneur, business owner, and personal growth guru, there was Bill, the passionate musician.
When he played, a new side of him came alive. Between sets, we’d sit down and talk—not about work, but about music. Those conversations were refreshing, a chance to connect on a personal level, and a welcome change from our shared passion for Centerpointe.
What I learned from Bill was the importance of balance.
As the founder and director of Centerpointe, his responsibilities were immense. But music gave him a way to step back, to recharge, and to express himself in ways that work couldn’t. On stage, with his saxophone in hand, he seemed to find pure joy. Some of his happiest moments were right there, “just blowing some blues,” lost in the rhythm and creativity of the music he loved.
Music was woven into the fabric of Bill’s life, just as much as his work. The two were inseparable, each fueling the other. Music became his creative outlet—a spark that ignited his imagination and dedication in every area of his life.
The takeaway? Don’t neglect your creative side.
Maybe you’re a musician, or perhaps your passion lies in painting, gardening, or cooking. Whatever it is, make time to nurture your inner artist. Let yourself create, explore, and express freely. It’s not just a hobby—it’s fuel for your spirit and inspiration for everything you do.
And I’m curious, what are your creative passions? What do you do to let that inner artist come out and play? Let me know! Seriously, send me an email and tell me. I love learning more and more about you and all of our Centerpointe community.
And that’s me, just checking in!
We Want to Hear From You!
What are your creative passions?
Post your story on our Facebook Page.
Not on Facebook? Tell me about the impact that meditation with Holosync has had on your daily life. Stress? Sleep? Weight Loss? Focus? Spiritual Connection? Other? Email your story here.