Learning from Adversity

Issue #376 – Monday, June 12th, 2023

It happens all the time.

Things don’t work out the way you want them to. You don’t reach the goal you’ve been working towards. You miss a window of opportunity. Something happens that ruins your plans.

Life is full of setbacks and obstacles that will force you to take a detour on your path to success.

When that happens you can do one of two things.

Either resist reality, wish things were different, and feel bad…

…or try to learn something from this situation and let it fuel your growth!

Too many people get so caught up in resisting that they focus on the wrong thing, leading to even more difficulties down the road.

That’s why today I’m sharing a brilliant essay from late Centerpointe Founder Bill Harris.

Bill will teach you how to turn adversity into fuel for success so you can overcome anything that life throws in your way.

I know you’re going to love this!


MaryEllen Tribby
Centerpointe CEO

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Learning From Adversity
How to Overcome Life’s Inevitable Setbacks

by Bill Harris, Founder
Centerpointe Research Institute

Most people see adversity as the most undesirable thing that could happen.

Successful people, however, realize that adversity has a tremendous gift if you
know how to look for it. In fact, even if you don’t know how to look for it, there is a tremendous gift.

It’s just that if you don’t look for it, you often don’t see the gift for some time.

World War II was one of the most awful things that ever happened to the world. Millions of people were killed, whole cities were destroyed. Yet there were many positives.

Advances were made in medicine, in technology, in communications, and in many other areas that have made life much easier for millions of people.

Millions of lives have been saved over the last 60 years because of the medical advances. Cities were rebuilt in even better and more comfortable ways. New countries came into being, and some countries that were dictatorships or monarchies became democracies.

We could actually spend all day listing the positive things that came out of World War II. The point is that if you think back, most of the positive turning points of your life...

...came out of what looked like a disaster when it initially happened.

The Seed of a Greater Benefit

In his study of the most successful people of his time, here is Napoleon Hill’s famous conclusion regarding failures, adversities, and setbacks:

“Every adversity carries with it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit.”

When Hill says this, he really means every adversity, setback, or failure. His advice: Whenever something you try doesn’t go the way you hoped, immediately look for the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit.

He’s telling you that when something goes wrong, focus on what you want! Looking for the potential benefit in whatever happens is precisely focusing on what you want.

Also, notice that Hill calls it the seed of an equivalent or greater
benefit. This means you have to look for it, and when you find it, you have to germinate it. What does he mean by this? He means that you have to do something…

...you have to take action.

The idea is that no matter what happens, no matter how big the flop, no matter how off-base whatever you tried was, there is a benefit in it, if you will only look for it.

I’ve told the story before of how Centerpointe got started. After being in business for a year, mostly due to the fact that we didn’t know what we were doing in terms of creating a business, we had a huge 43 customers.

Then my doorbell rang and when I opened it I was served with a million dollar lawsuit, alleging that I had stolen a competitor’s technology, mailing list, and a number of other charges.

The allegations were totally frivolous.

I had not done any of these  things, but I had no money, and the competitor did, and being on the receiving end of a million dollar lawsuit is no fun. I had images of losing my house—which was really the only asset I had—and owing huge amounts of legal fees, which I could not afford.

I asked my attorney how much all of this might cost. I’ll never forget what he told me. He said, “If this goes all the way to trial, you’ll know why they say “don’t make a Federal case out of it,” because it could cost as much as $150,000.

Well, I didn’t have $3,000, much less $150,000, and I was pretty scared.

I woke up in the middle of the night many times and sat up in bed with my heart pounding. I had an unscrupulous nut coming after me, and I had few resources and didn’t know how I was going to protect myself.

Does this sound like a disaster to you? It did to me, I’ll tell you.

Luckily, I had been reading Think and Grow Rich, and in that book, Napoleon Hill talks about the fact that every adversity carries with it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit.

It seemed very improbable to me that there wasn’t any benefit to being sued in Federal court for a million dollars. But after being served with the lawsuit…

...I sat down at my desk and decided to make a list of all the potential benefits.

Change Your Focus

The first thing I wrote down was that I would learn a lot about the legal process, though as I wrote it, I remember thinking that this was a benefit I would be very
willing to forego.

Then, other potential benefits began to occur to me.

Once it was over, the competitor, who had been hounding me in various other ways for some time, would be out of my hair, as the lawsuit would resolve things one way or another. I wish I still had that list, as it eventually had fifty or sixty potential benefits, and as I remember, every one of them eventually came true.

That one thing that happened from writing this list was that it changed my focus from what I didn’t want to what I did want. Once I did that…

...my whole attitude changed and the amount of suffering I experienced went way down.

I let my imagination go and began to see Centerpointe the way it is now, even though at that point it was a total pipe dream.
So being sued, and finding out what it might cost, as awful as it was, triggered me to focus my mind on what I wanted. It caused me to think of things in a new way, it focused my mind on the possibilities, and it caused me to…

...draw on resources and take action in a way I would not have otherwise done.

The key was that one of the first things I did when this adversity happened was to begin to look for the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit. This is what I want you to do whenever things don’t go the way you want them to as you’re working on your goal.

What seems like a terrible outcome can contain the very thing that will catapult you to success.

In fact, in nearly every case, highly successful people will tell you that it was a huge failure—or what seemed like a huge failure at the time—that was the turning point for them.

Tap Into Your Internal Resources

Here’s what Hill says at one point in Think and Grow Rich: “Remember that all who succeed in life get off to a bad start, and pass through many lawbreaking struggles before they “arrive.” The turning point in the lives of those who succeed usually comes at the moment of some crisis…

...through which they are introduced to their “other selves.”

When failure or adversity strikes, if you meet it with the right attitude, an attitude of faith and persistence, something very powerful happens. I’m going to tell you something right now, that is very important, so please listen carefully:

Right now, you have access to resources you have no idea you have, and these resources are very powerful and very extensive. The chances are that without some adversity to place you in contact with them…

...you would never discover them.

But if you are determined to succeed, as I was, and if–when you encounter what looks like adversity–you immediately begin to look for that seed of an equivalent or greater benefit…

...you will begin to get in touch with those resources.

These internal resources are in you right now, and they are very powerful. Most people don’t have the motivation, or the necessity, to dig deep inside and find them.

But if you have a burning desire to do what you have set out to do, if you have the determination that nothing is going to stop you, and then adversity strikes, that burning desire, and that determination will cause you to dig deep inside and tap into this internal power.

This is one of the greatest gifts of adversity.

In fact, Napoleon Hill has said that the achievements of successful people are “in exact proportion to the emergencies they had to overcome.”

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Wise Words

This Really Happened

I started to listen to this when I was feeling fine and simply wanting to relax. I welcomed the sound of the rain as soothing, the tone rings as clearing and stilling the mind, lifting it into a different dimension. In this deep relaxed state, an answer to how I could explain to someone near and dear to me how to release and let go. My mind does not visualize, it feels. Thank you for the most uplifting feeling that opened my mind to awareness of love, and how to answer a need. I will listen again, later today.
~Joan M.
5-Day Challenge Participant

In Case You Missed It - Listen to It!

Check out our audio recording of the Mind Power essay:

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