Issue #422 – Monday, May 6, 2024
I’ve gotten a ton of messages from the community so far this year about how many of our members are making huge strides towards their goals!
I’ve also gotten plenty of messages from folks who have felt stuck and are struggling to get to the next step.
That’s why today I want to share a powerful essay from late Centerpointe Founder Bill Harris about two approaches to reach out and grab that success you’ve been striving towards.
One way is a bit longer, and another is a shortcut. But honestly, if you can harness both ways, you’re going to get really good results.
I know you’re going to love this!
MaryEllen Tribby
Centerpointe CEO

Centerpointe CEO
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Getting Unstuck
The Long Way, the Short Way & the Sure Way
By Bill Harris
I’ve told you before about the pitfalls of “magical thinking,” and the part of you that has great dreams and ideas for success – be it for money, love, adventure or inner peace…
...might be split off from the part of you that actually needs to take action.
So today let’s focus on action, because action is the ONLY way you're going to reach your dreams. And there is no one else to do it but YOU.
You must stop waiting for change in these areas to “happen,” and instead decide to make it happen…
...“be the change.”
Burn this into your brain. There is no other way to accomplish something in the world. No other way.
But, you ask, how do you do that? How do I “make it happen”?
Okay, let’s get specific here:
There are two ways to do this, one long (but sure), and the other faster (and also sure).
The Long (Sure) Way

The first path to success – in anything – is to figure out EXACTLY what you want, very specifically. Once you do that, the next thing you do is take stock of where you are…
...what your situation is, what your assets are, and what your liabilities are, both external/tangible and internal/intangible.
It’s hard to go somewhere else unless you know where you are now.
Then, based on where you are and what you want:
TAKE THE BEST ACTION YOU CAN THINK OF. It might not be a brilliant instant-hit sort of action (I know mine wasn’t when I first did this–the action I took was actually pretty pathetic).
Then, once you’ve acted, notice what happened. What progress did you make, if any? What worked? What didn’t? What did you learn?
Then take another action, but this time tweaking it (or hugely changing it) based on whatever you learned. Do more of what worked, and change what didn’t.
Again, you might not tweak your action very well at first, but that’s okay. Whatever you do, once you’ve acted again, evaluate again…
...and then take MORE action, and keep doing this until you get what you want.
Every time you act, even if by common definition you FAIL, you become increasingly wise. Eventually, after you’ve acted enough times…
...you will be HUGELY wise, and hugely wise people are unstoppable.
This method always works, but you have to keep going, and you have to keep evaluating every action and doing your best to improve it every time.
The way to keep yourself going, by the way, is to be clear about what you want, focus your attention on how to get it and what the rewards will be once you do.
Feel as much positive emotion and passion as you can about those rewards. Again, at first you might not be good at feeling all this positive emotion, but as you practice doing it…
...you will eventually become really good at it. Anything you keep practicing, you will eventually become really good at.
The Shortcut (The Other Sure Way)
The second method is a shortcut.
Find at least one, but preferably several, people who have done what you want to do. Let’s take money for example:
There are MILLIONS of people who have made a lot of money and who figured out how to have their finances work pretty well (or even very well). Lots of them…
...have written books or created trainings about this subject. Many are happy to mentor you (as I am doing right now). Find out:
- How they think
- How they act
Then, begin by copying them. If you think like they do and act like they do, you will very likely get very similar results. Yes, their beginning situation might be different than yours…
...they might be smarter, have more money or other assets to start with, have a better personality, have more education, live in a better situation, have better friends, be better looking, etc.
On the other hand, it’s very likely that YOU might have more of these things than some of the people who have made it financially. There are lots of people…
... who came from NOTHING and made lots of money. They weren’t particularly smart, had no money to start with, were hard to get along with, had various disabilities (mentally or emotionally or physically), had no education, no friends, no confidence, nothing.
Stories of such people are legion. If they can do it, so can you.
Find out what these people believed about making money. Find out what was important to them about making money. Find out what they thought about, what they focused their attention on…
...what their internal strategies were for making decisions, and so forth. This is what I mean by finding out and adopting “how they think.”
Then, find out what actions they took, which will give you a better starting point than the “educated guess” method I described above.
Then, act your ass off. Anthony Robbins, says “Take massive action,” and he’s right. Focus on what you want and act, and keep acting, and don’t let anything stop you. And, make what you want IMPORTANT.
If you’re procrastinating you aren’t making what you want important. And, you’re probably focusing on what you’re afraid of rather than what you want.
Never forget that the one thing you have total and complete control over is…

...what you focus your attention on. Luckily, that’s the first and most important part of achieving anything.
As I said before, all of this involves DOING SOMETHING DIFFERENT. You will not change your results by continuing to do the same thing you’re doing now.
And, you have to take charge of your thinking and your acting, regardless of how you feel. Most successful people feel bad quite often, at least physically, and often emotionally, too.
Though it’s possible to get yourself to the point where you rarely ever feel bad emotionally, even those who feel bad can and often do become financially successful.
I wish there was some easy or magic way to do all of this. I sure looked for such a way for long enough, and I’ll tell you that I never found it. I will say that once you get the above going, it WILL seem easy.
The only difference is that doing what I’ve outlined above feels FULFILLING, and what you’re doing now doesn’t.
Also, don’t expect results in two weeks, or two months. That might happen, but quite often it doesn’t.
But it will happen...if you don’t give up. Always evaluate, adjust and take action.
I know you can do this, because I did it, and if I could do it, anyone can. I was a miserable failure in pretty much every way, and somehow I pulled myself out of it.
(By the way, Holosync was a huge part of my success, because it helped me on the inside.)
Ultimately, you have to:
- Focus on what you want
- Act
- Provide value for others
So, go do it, don’t stop, and let me know how it goes.
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Wise Words

Yesterday was my first session. I felt calm and energized. Accomplished a great deal with focus. I slept very well last night. I like the trio of calm, focus and energy. Curious to see what today brings.
~ Carol I.
5-Day Challenge Participant
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We Want to Hear From You!
What bad habit would you like to ditch this year?
Post your story on our Facebook Page.
Not on Facebook? Tell me about the impact that meditation with Holosync has had on your daily life. Stress? Sleep? Weight Loss? Focus? Spiritual Connection? Other? Email your story here.