Success Attracts Success (How to Get More of it)

Issue #434 – Monday, July 29, 2024

Success Attracts Success (How to Get More of it)

By Bill Harris

Have you noticed that resources easily flow to the successful, and away from the unsuccessful? This isn’t the powerful taking advantage of the weak. It’s a law of nature.

This law applies to everything from bacteria to human beings. Though cruel for the individual, it creates survival for the whole.

If you’re on the wrong side of this law, understanding how it works will help you reverse the trend.

Let’s start with bacteria. When food is abundant, bacteria chow down and multiply like, well, like bacteria. Then, when the cupboard’s bare, scouting parties search for more.

Not all succeed, though.

The failures send chemical messages saying “avoid me”— saving the colony’s resources—while successful scouts send messages equivalent to the ten-foot roof-signs on diners saying “EAT!”, at which point the others come running (or, rather, oozing.)

In all living systems the successful attract resources; the failures repel them.

Repel or Attract?

Baboons at the bottom of the pecking order create hormonal poisons that kill brain cells and lower immune function, creating weakness, illness, ineffectiveness and lowered status.

Those at the top make hormones and brain chemicals of well-being, confidence, and good health. They end up with more food, better living conditions…

…and more desirable sexual partners.

Depressed hospital patients–those who need the most care–are least likely to attract compassionate attention.

Their complaints, anger, body language, facial expressions and behavior repel caregivers, while more cheerful ill or dying patients attract better care and more nurturing.

From cells to societies, organisms less useful to the community are programmed to self-destruct.

Apoptosis (cell destruction) rids organisms of malfunctioning cells; resources flow to antibodies that deal successfully with invaders and away from those who don’t.

Successful antibodies increase their numbers, while the failures are robbed of food and the ability to multiply.b

At all levels, fairly or unfairly, internal and external resources are withheld from individuals who fail and flow to those who succeed, ensuring that resources are used effectively and creating the greatest amount of success for living organisms.

Going Against the Grain

When an organism overcomes a problem, it receives additional benefits.

Failing to master a challenge, though, activates mental, emotional, behavioral, hormonal and neurochemical self-destructive mechanisms.

Once you’re on the downward spiral, then, is there a way out?

Yes–if you’re willing to consciously and intentionally go against the grain and do things in a different way.

The brain’s recently discovered ability to change—its plasticity—allows us to change automatic internal processes, self-destructive chemical responses, and old ways of behaving.

Repeated thoughts, behaviors or feelings cause the brain to devote more neural real estate to these new functions.

If moving in an unsuccessful, self-destructive direction (physically, emotionally, mentally, financially or behaviorally), tools and approaches exist that allow us to…

...step out of a self-destructive spiral and move toward a new and successful upward spiral.

Yes, there will be a momentum to overcome. It can, however, be done.

4 Methods for Creating an Upward Spiral

Meditation: Though nearly any form works, I favor the technological method of meditation my company first offered in 1989 (now used by nearly 2 million people all over the world):

Holosync® audio technology—because it works about eight times faster than traditional meditation.

Meditation stimulates the same neurochemicals and hormones produced by successful individuals. These feel-good substances are a large part of what makes life easy for top-of-the-pecking-order types.

Exercise: Considerable research shows that, as with meditation, your brain makes more “success” chemicals and hormones when you exercise—increasing your energy, confidence, longevity, and overall health.

Diet: Your body needs the right fuel to succeed. Losers are drawn to poor food choices, while eating right becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. The better you eat, the easier it is to continue doing so.

Awareness: Direct the mindfulness gained from meditation to your own internal processes—observing how they generate your emotions, behaviors, and attraction to certain people and situations, while also creating the meanings you assign to the events of your life.

Awareness Creates Choice

Awareness creates choice; what you do without awareness happens automatically.

Once these four life areas become a choice, you automatically choose what serves you—which pulls you to the successful side of life.

Winners—to whom resources flow—feel different.

They generate pleasurable and resourceful emotions and purposeful behaviors, attract people and situations that foster success, and add resourceful meanings to whatever happens.

Please take the winner’s path!

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Wise Words

This Really Happened

"I slept well on day one and noticed that I was focused and motivated yesterday. Finalized some work that I've had trouble starting.

I just completed Day 2. I already feel energized and ready to get my day started.
Hope you have a great day!"

~Bell P.
5-Day Challenge Participant

We Want to Hear From You!

What bad habit would you like to ditch this year?

Post your story on our Facebook Page.

Not on Facebook? Tell me about the impact that meditation with Holosync has had on your daily life. Stress? Sleep? Weight Loss? Focus? Spiritual Connection? Other? Email your story here.

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