I easily remember all information I study
Learning and remembering names and terms comes easily to me
Learning and remembering numbers and dates comes easily to me
Learning and remember math concepts comes easily to me
Learning and remembering ideas and concepts comes easily to me
Learning and remembering new languages comes easily to me
My memory and recall is razor-sharp
Whatever I read I remember
I see the connections and patterns in complex information
I can remember virtually anything I focus on
All information I am exposed to I remember and can recall
My recall is superb
My brain absorbs all information for easy recall anytime I want
I am exceptionally intelligent
I am open to all new information and knowledge
I am passionate about learning
I can easily store and access any information I study
I remember what I read (‘reed’)
My mind retains detailed information
I easily recall details and facts
Everything I read is stored in my brain and is easily recalled
I absorb knowledge easily
I have an excellent memory
I learn quickly and remember details with ease
I am a quick learner
I easily focus on what I need to study and absorb
Learning is enjoyable and exciting for me
I am fascinated by new ideas
I am confident in my memory and recall
My critical thinking skills are superior
My creative problem-solving skills are superior
I learn from all of my experiences in life
I enjoy learning from other people
I listen carefully and pay attention in order to learn
I make sure I eat a healthy diet and get enough sleep to keep my mind sharp
I take care of my brain
I stay curious and open in order to learn
I know I can learn anything I put my mind to
I enjoy doing research and remember what I’ve learned