“What you are unaware of controls you. What you are aware of, you gain control of and have choice over.”
-Bill Harris
Your Best Year Ever (The Secret Tool)
Issue #456 – Monday, December 30, 2024
We’re on the final lap of 2024!
Looking back on the year, I’m so proud of what we accomplished here at Centerpointe to help members like you...
- Break free from the cycle of “yo-yo dieting” & keep the weight off
- Customize your own Holosync experience like never before
- Tap into the power of the parasympathetic nervous system
- Harness the power of chakras to energize your life
- Hone your manifestation ability to new heights
- Heal from years of widespread noise pollution
- Overcome anxiety and depression
And we even released the brand new MyHolosync App so you can do all of these things anytime, anywhere.
We have so much fun stuff lined up for 2025 too!
But I wonder…
…what are your goals for 2025?
What do you want to achieve? Where do you want to be 1 year from now?
No matter what you’ll be striving towards in the year to come, I want to help.
That’s why today I’m sharing a powerful essay from late Centerpointe Founder Bill Harris that’ll give you some crucial insight into making 2025 your best year ever.
Bill reveals a special tool you can use to more effectively reach any goal, and provides tips on what to avoid if you want to make your dream a reality for 2025.
I know you’re going to love this!
MaryEllen Tribby
Centerpointe CEO

MaryEllen Tribby
Centerpointe CEO
Want to finally lose the weight (and keep it off) in 2025?
Scroll down to our Check it Out section below to learn how the Holosync Weight Loss Solution makes a big difference.
Your Best Year Ever: The Secret Tool
by Bill Harris, Founder
Centerpointe Research Institute
I’ll tell you up front. The secret tool, the one most elusive ingredient to achievement...
...is choice.
Yep. That’s it. All you need is choice. And if you are living on autopilot, as 90-some percent of the human population are…
...then you truly don’t have choice.
Even though you may think you do, I’m here to tell you that most of your decisions are driven by ghosts rattling around in the closet of your brain.
You must, must, MUST shine a light on these apparitions–these quiet, wounded voices–that are driving your decisions.
And when you do, they vanish. I promise.
If this sounds inspiring, optimistic, powerful or even just a little bit curious to you…
...then you will definitely want to read the entire article, because what I’m going to describe to you will change your life.
So, let’s jump in. You’ve got a whole New Year ahead of you and dreams waiting to come true!
Awareness Creates Choice
Witness your life, your circumstances, your reactions and emotional triggers, from a detached and curious standpoint.
When faced with uncomfortable feelings (the result, either consciously or unconsciously, of not letting “what is” be okay), the best course of action is to mentally step aside and, with great curiosity…
...watch yourself have the feeling or behavior.
You might say to yourself: “There I am, doing _______.” Or, “There I am feeling ____. How interesting!”
The act of stepping aside helps create conscious awareness, because it keeps you from becoming lost in the feelings or behaviors, or your mental analysis of them.
It makes it much more difficult to continue suffering. In fact, when you truly observe your situation with awareness, your resistance (and subsequent suffering)…
...automatically dissolves.
Because you simply cannot watch with awareness and suffer at the same time.
This is one of the most important principles you may ever learn:
It is not what is happening outside of you that causes your suffering. Rather, it is YOUR RESISTANCE to it that gives you pain.
Without resistance you cannot create suffering.
This watching needs to be done, however, without attachment to the outcome. In other words, you must objectively and curiously watch what is happening - not to change anything, but just to notice what is happening.
The ability to step aside and watch yourself as you feel and act is an acquired skill that takes time and practice to develop, but it will totally change your life.
Meditation naturally develops your ability to become the witness.
Choice Creates Willpower
Awareness allows you to see your situation, and your reaction to it, with detachment and clarity. This, in turn, automatically vanquishes those “ghosts in the closet”...
...those damaged voices that are telling you things like:
Success is only for the lucky and the chosen few
I don’t have the time (money, energy, education)
I have more important things to do right now
So-and-so won’t like it if I do this
I don’t know the next step
My dream is impossible
I can do this...tomorrow
I cannot do this at all
I don’t know how
I always fail
These, and other, whispering voices have sabotaged the things you want most in life…
...for years!
And the good news gets better: When you are watching with awareness, you automatically choose what is BEST for you. You cannot continue to do something harmful to yourself…
...and do it consciously.
All those voices of self-sabotage disappear in the bright light of awareness, and your willpower rises like a phoenix from the ashes, propelling you forward…
...beyond the limitations of fear and doubt.
Scientists have also recently discovered which parts of the brain involve willpower, and how you can have more of it.
I would be remiss if I didn’t emphasize here that meditation increases the strength of your prefrontal cortex, the seat of your willpower, as well as your executive control…
...giving you more clarity and more choice.
(And you already know that Holosync® increases your meditation results 8X).
Willpower is a powerful weapon against procrastination, self-doubt and fear, all of which sabotage your dreams.
Because anything is possible, including your dreams! I promise. Which leads me to:
Willpower Makes You Unstoppable
The singular trait that all successful people have in common is this one simple thing:
They don’t stop until they achieve what they set out to do.
They don’t give up. They don’t whine when it gets difficult. They don’t stop in their tracks when the next best move isn’t obvious.
They just keep moving.
They don’t give up at setbacks, they don’t get discouraged with obstacles in their path, and they don’t let failure–even repeated failures–kill their dreams.
In fact, failure teaches them.
They learn from their mistakes, they make course-corrections, they adapt and overcome.
And they carry on.
So please, as this New Year begins, carve your goals in concrete. Watch yourself react to setbacks and failures. Observe those voices that sabotage your efforts.
And have your best year ever.
Check It Out!
Holosync Weight Loss Solution

Want to make 2025 the year you finally lose the weight (and keep it off)?
The sad truth is, over 90% of the time the weight you lose from diet and exercise comes back before you know it (and oftentimes you end up heavier than when you started).
It’s not a problem with willpower, laziness or calories. No - the source of this “rubber band effect” is actually much deeper than that.
That’s why we created the Holosync Weight Loss Solution - to address the Big Three Weight Loss Barriers that keep you stuck in a cycle of losing and regaining the same 10, 20, 30 lbs over and over again.
This is the key to lasting weight loss you haven’t tried before!
Wise Words
“The singular trait that all successful people have in common is this one simple thing: They don’t stop until they achieve what they set out to do.”
- Bill Harris
This Really Happened
5 Day Challenge - End of Day 4
I accomplished so much today and felt as if time slowed down for me to do so. Also learnt a lot and felt as if someone was guiding me…maybe it’s my intuition strengthening. Starting to see the world in a very different light.💫
With gratitude 🙏🏻
~Cheng Y.
5-Day Challenge Participant
We Want to Hear From You!
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