The Easiest Way to Win

Issue #424 – Monday, May 20, 2024

Today I’d like to talk about winning.

Anyone who knows me knows that I’m a huge sports fan, as is everyone in my family. My husband and I both played collegiate sports, my oldest daughter played college softball, my son was the quarterback of his high school football team, and my youngest, Delanie, is currently a Division 1 tennis player in college.

I don’t tell you this to brag about my children (though I’m obviously very proud of them). Rather I want to demonstrate that I’ve given a lot of thought to the subject of winning over the years. And one burning question has tugged at the edge of my brain the whole time:

What separates the occasional winner from the consistent champion?

After all those years of wrestling with this question, my dear friend, colleague and mentor Bill Harris (who passed away six years ago this month) answered it for me in one word:


Meditation offers a competitive edge that no amount of training, drills, coaching, weight lifting, or determination can match. While these things are obviously critical to success, meditation takes your performance (in sports, business and even your relationships) to a whole new level.

One of the biggest reasons why is that meditation will give you sudden breakthroughs, ah-ha! moments that let you see a situation or an obstacle with a new vision, an unexpected solution. (Ask anyone who is being thumped on the tennis court by an “unbeatable” serve just how important a breakthrough idea can be!)

Meditation also enhances your ability to perform in high-stakes situations. Those who meditate regularly are consistently calmer in critical “winner take all” moments. Say you’re shooting a 3-pointer at the buzzer when you’re two points down in the basketball championships. Now, that’s pressure!

Food For Your Brain

Just as in life, in business and in relationships, different situations carry different weights. Not every decision has the same potential for success or failure. Not every action has life-changing consequences.

But some do.

And when these situations arise, the more “optimized” your brain is through meditation, (especially meditation with my secret weapon), the better your responses - your thoughts, feelings and actions in the moment - will be.

We all face pivotal moments in our lives. These are times when what we do or say has a serious impact on our future, and on the future of others. A consistent practice of meditation clears the path for you to make the best, clearest, highest moves in these all-important moments.

Meditation teaches your brain how to remain calm and to focus in the moment. It helps your brain get into what athletes, artists, and entrepreneurs often call “the zone.”

When you’re in the zone, you’re firing on all cylinders, you’re getting divine inspiration, everything seems effortless, time passes joyfully, and creative solutions to difficult problems seem to appear out of nowhere.

Meditation makes it happen.

Here’s another important thing that champions know, and that Bill Harris said over and over again:

Focus on the outcome you want.

Focusing on obstacles is like poison to your dreams. Your brain is a heat-seeking missile and it will attract to you whatever you focus on with the most passion and emotion. So, if you let your mind obsess about missing the shot, losing the game, choking in those pivotal moments…

…then that is exactly what will happen.

Let me give you a specific example.

As I mentioned earlier, my daughter Delanie is an elite Division 1 college tennis player. But at 11, she suffered from stress and anxiety.

While she loves playing tennis wholeheartedly, competing in front of a crowd made her extremely nervous. She lost her focus, her brain seemed to betray her, and her body followed suit. She got the “yips.” Shots she “owned,” serves she aced, backhands that rocketed low and fast across the net, all abandoned her. Why?

Because her brain was off the rails (focusing on all that could go wrong).

Secrets Are to Be Shared

So, I had Delanie start listening to my secret weapon - Holosync - every morning, first thing, before she did anything else.

To put the results in Delanie’s terms…

“It was AWESOME!”

Even her coach saw an immediate improvement in her focus and diligence. Instead of crying before a big match, as she used to, now Delanie charges onto the court full of confidence and determination.

The change in her after only a few months of using Holosync was truly remarkable. But don’t take my word for it, or Delanie’s for that matter.

Many elite athletes swear to the power of meditation and count on it for their results, including Novak Djokovic, gold-medalist volleyball champs Misty May-Treanor & Kerri Walsch, Lebron James, and Derek Jeter, to name just a few.

And it’s not only athletes who testify to the life-changing benefits of meditation. Here are some major entrepreneurs, moms and business folks who also use meditation to perform their best in life: Arianna Huffington, LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner, Jerry Seinfeld and Oprah Winfrey.

Meditation is the platform that helps you be more successful at whatever you do, whether it’s:

-Acing serves or serving others
-Building companies or building relationships
-Making high stakes business deals or negotiating with a toddler

When it comes to those pivotal moments in your life (as well as the battle of daily life) think like a champion - with focus, determination, creativity and inspiration. Meditation is the best tool you have to help you win (consistently) at the game of life.

So if you still haven’t tried Holosync yet, I’ve arranged a way for you to experience it for yourself absolutely free.

As a matter of fact…

…I challenge you – with the Holosync 5-Day Challenge.

If you want to see firsthand what high quality meditation can do to improve your brain and get you in the zone, this will blow you away.

I know it will make a huge difference in your life!

Check It Out!

Centerflow Anxiety Solution is a game-changing mental health tool that’ll help you gain control over your anxiety.

Whether you want to reduce stress, improve stress resistance, synchronize the brain, achieve a deep and healing sleep, or soothe an immediate anxiety attack, these tools make all the difference in the world.

Wise Words

What a fantastic surprise and for free! I loved it and it just kept me relaxing more and more, from the top of my head to my toes. I feel so calm after listening to day 1. I am grateful and thank you.
~Jerry E.
5-Day Challenge Participant

Get the NEW MyHolosync App

The MyHolosync App makes listening to Holosync much faster and easier than ever before.

Not only is MyHolosync loaded with a ton of free Holosync meditations, but the new Quick Track Holosync Solution Program (only available in the app) also includes Holosync meditations that are as short as 5 minutes.

That’s right - just 5 minutes is all you need to improve your brain with Holosync!

(We’ve never before packed such a powerful meditation into such a tiny package!)

But that’s not all. We’ve also included videos, Mind Power essays, audiobooks and more
- all FREE for you to enjoy.

We Want to Hear From You!

What bad habit would you like to ditch this year?

Post your story on our Facebook Page.

Not on Facebook? Tell me about the impact that meditation with Holosync has had on your daily life. Stress? Sleep? Weight Loss? Focus? Spiritual Connection? Other? Email your story here.

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Try the MyHolosync App with a 7-Day Free Trial

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