Issue #418 – Monday, April 8, 2024
What’s your source of happiness?
For some it’s their loved ones. For others it's their careers. And still others find happiness in their favorite hobbies.
But on those days when it feels like happiness isn’t within reach, what can you do?
Can you actually choose to be happy?
Yes - you CAN!
That’s why today I’m sharing a wonderful essay with you from Mind Power Managing Editor Ryan Standifird.
Ryan will explore why sometimes happiness seems out of our control, along with three ways you can add more happiness to your life!
I know you’re going to love this!
MaryEllen Tribby
Centerpointe CEO

Centerpointe CEO
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Start your meditation journey with Awakening Prologue, or take the next step and order your next Deeper Level at this awesome discounted price.
Scroll down to our “Check it Out” section below to learn more.
The Keys to a Life of Happiness
(3 Ways to Boost Your Joy)
By Ryan Standifird
So what’s keeping us from that happier life? What’s missing?
Or rather - what’s getting in the way?
You know, sometimes it might feel like happiness is out of our control. Like it all depends on outside forces. Whether it’s our stressful jobs, our complicated relationships, depleting bank accounts, or even our aging bodies - there are times when finding happiness seems like a futile task, or one that seems impossible given the circumstances.
If you’ve ever felt that way, you’re not alone! And the reason for it might surprise you.
Our Brains Are Wired for Negativity
Did you know that as our brains developed in childhood, it was the negative experiences that shaped our view of the world?
That’s because by holding tightly to the more negative experiences in early life, it improved our chances of survival thousands of years ago. Touching fire = bad. Encountering a bear = bad. Avoid these things at all costs to survive.

The same thing happens in our brains today, but with more complicated social dynamics - either within our families, communities, or society at large. And we usually learn these lessons through some sort of trauma or punishment we endured as children.
For example, we learned that being angry = bad. Being selfish = bad. Avoid these things at all costs to survive.
The problem is, when we “avoid things at all costs” it also means that we unintentionally seek them out. It takes up a good amount of our focus and attention to make sure that we don’t accidentally wander into a bear’s den or slip and fall into a bonfire.
But when we constantly obsess over things - even things we want to avoid - we can start to get paranoid. Suddenly we think we catch glimpses of bears behind every tree.
And ironically, when we focus on the more complex problems of today…
…we often end up attracting those things into our lives.
As a result, we spend a lot of energy stressing over things that are out of our control.
And because our brains are wired this way…
…it’s easy to accidentally tie your happiness to impossible outcomes.
“I’m happy as long as I don’t encounter any angry people.”
“I’m happy as long as I don’t encounter selfish people.”
Do you see how those thoughts give the power of happiness to outside forces?
You can’t control the anger or selfishness of others.
The same can be true for your job, your relationships, your age, your health, or anything else.
If you frame your happiness as only possible when something happens just as you want it to happen, then you’re going to be chronically disappointed.
But what if instead of looking for danger around every turn…
…you were constantly looking for an excuse to be happy?
Taking Control of Your Happiness
Despite our natural tendencies, we can CHOOSE to be happy no matter the circumstances.
Of course, it’s not always easy. But with enough awareness and some “happiness tools” in your toolbelt, you can make it a little easier.
So with that said, here are three tools you can use to stop waiting around to feel happy, and start actively creating real joy in your life:
Tool #1: Focus on Gratitude
Have you ever thought about what life was like for people living in medieval times?
Imagine all the things that we take for granted in our modern society that someone from the middle ages would marvel at.
The clothes we wear and the beds we sleep in are higher quality than most nobility had access to. The food you can get at a run-down gas station today tastes better than anything the common folk of those times would have eaten in their entire lives.
Not to mention hot running water, toilets and toilet paper, microwave ovens and gas-powered stoves. There are cars, sports, schools, movies, television, and the accessibility of music. The phone in your pocket would have been considered a magical device!
Compared to the painful and inconvenient lives of the average person from a thousand years ago, our problems might suddenly seem smaller and more manageable. Heck - if a medieval king or queen spent a day in the modern world, I bet they would think they’d died and gone to heaven!
So the next time you’re feeling down, imagine your ancestors from a thousand years ago, what they endured on a daily basis, and feel relieved that your life is infinitely better.
Tool #2: The Power of a Smile
Did you know that smiling has a major impact on your sense of happiness - even if the smile is just for a split second?
Dozens of studies over the years have been studying smiles, with most results proving that even a fake smile has a big impact on your mood.
But a recent study out of the University of Essex was the first to really test that theory in regards to time. The researchers asked:
Could an involuntary smile that lasted half a second still boost your happiness?
So they gathered volunteers, stuck some electrodes to their faces where their smiling muscles were, then had them view a series of neutral expressions and asked whether that expression was happy, sad, or neutral.
What the test subjects didn’t know was that for some of them, an electric current would painlessly cause their smile muscles to contract for 500 milliseconds - or half a second right before they were asked about the faces.
The result?
Those who did the half-second-smile saw more happy faces than those who did not smile.
This shows that even an involuntary smile still influences your ability to see and feel happiness. “Fake it till you make it” has some truth to it after all.
Tool #3 - Pursue Having Fun
When was the last time you had some genuine fun?
Unfortunately, the concept of “having fun” is often left collecting dust on the shelf as we grow into adulthood. We sacrifice our fun and replace it with our jobs or other responsibilities.

“I can’t have fun now, I’ve got work to do!”
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you should abandon your responsibilities or quit your job.
But what I am saying is that if you don’t have any fun at all, then you’re actually hurting your ability to be happy and deteriorating your mental health.
Whether you love flying a kite at the beach, grabbing a coffee with a friend, picking vegetables from your garden, singing in the car, or tossing a ball with your son, having fun opens the door for happy memories to be made and damaged hearts to heal.
So don’t let fun pass under your radar - it’s more important than you might think.
A Happiness Shortcut
So there you have it - three potent tools that’ll help you access more happiness in your life.
Before I wrap things up, I want to remind you of a shortcut that’ll make choosing happiness and using the tools I’ve laid out here much easier for you.
That shortcut is Holosync - a meditation technology that gives you all the benefits of meditation up to 8x faster than traditional methods.
Meditation improves your brain so that you can make better decisions and be more resistant to stress. Plus, it helps your brain make more "happy" neurochemicals while reducing those over-abundant stress chemicals that exhaust you and contribute to premature aging.
And that makes a huge difference when it comes to your happiness.
The best place to start your own Holosync journey is with Awakening Prologue - the first step in the Holosync Solution Program.
You can follow this link to learn more.
Good luck, and stay happy!
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Holosync optimizes your brain for:
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Wise Words

Day 1 was yesterday. I immediately felt more calm. I noticed that I am much more aware of my thoughts. I am also much more in action
than I have been for quite some time.
~Selena V
5-Day Challenge Participant
The MyHolosync App makes listening to Holosync much faster and easier than ever before.
Not only is MyHolosync loaded with a ton of free Holosync meditations, but the new Quick Track Holosync Solution Program (only available in the app) also includes Holosync meditations that are as short as 5 minutes.
Not only is MyHolosync loaded with a ton of free Holosync meditations, but the new Quick Track Holosync Solution Program (only available in the app) also includes Holosync meditations that are as short as 5 minutes.
That’s right - just 5 minutes is all you need to improve your brain with Holosync!
(We’ve never before packed such a powerful meditation into such a tiny package!)
But that’s not all. We’ve also included videos, Mind Power essays, audiobooks and more - all FREE for you to enjoy.
NOTE: This app is in Early Access and
requires special download instructions.
We Want to Hear From You!
What bad habit would you like to ditch this year?
Post your story on our Facebook Page.
Not on Facebook? Tell me about the impact that meditation with Holosync has had on your daily life. Stress? Sleep? Weight Loss? Focus? Spiritual Connection? Other? Email your story here.