The Power of Awe

Issue #367 – Monday, April 10th, 2023

The Life-changing Power of Awe
How to Notice & Harness it

By Ryan Standifird

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source
of all true art and science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger,
who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe,
is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.

-Albert Einstein

When was the last time you felt small in the shadow of a snow-capped mountain?

Or you relaxed in the grass as you watched a cumulus cloud drift by?

Have you recently appreciated the changing colors of the sunset?

If it’s been a while since you admired the wonder of nature, felt gratitude for a mentor, or marveled at the beauty of kindness…

…then you might be missing out on a hugely beneficial part of life:

The power of awe.

Awe: The Building Blocks of Our Reality

As a new father, I am always curious about how my son’s development is going. He’s only a little more than four months old right now, but I have already seen a miraculous transformation take place in his sense of awareness.

He recognizes his mother and me and can visually track us across the room. He smiles at his own reflection. He’s getting the hang of his hands and his arms and knows what to do when a bottle is placed near his face.

And all this time I wonder…

What's going on in his head? How truly aware is he of his environment?

It occurs to me that he must be struck with awe at every turn.

From snow falling from the sky to a dancing fire in the fireplace to grappling with permanence in a game of peek-a-boo, I see his eyes lighting up with each new experience, broadening his concept of reality with each event.

Every moment of awe causes his brain to make new connections. His concept of reality is being assembled. And he’s understanding how he fits into his world.

He’s making his own “internal map of reality” as late Centerpointe Founder Bill Harris would say.

And isn’t it interesting that the times when we feel the power of awe the strongest, are also the times when we become children again? We feel small and filled with wonder at the grand mystery of reality and the world around us.

When we are humbled by the vastness of the open sea or the power of a waterfall, we are reminded of a universe that is larger than we can possibly imagine. We are pulled out of our assumptions; our preconceived ideas about life are shattered…

…and we become a four-month-old watching a fire dance in the fireplace once again.

Our ego shrinks. We become open to seeing a new perspective. We get a sense that we are part of a bigger whole. The separate self dwindles.

It’s all thanks to the power of awe.

The Benefits of Awe

That’s all well and good, but does experiencing awe actually have real, tangible benefits? What use is it?

Scientists have been looking into this for decades. The answer?

Yes - there are a ton of benefits to incorporating awe into your daily life.

One study found that awe calms down our nervous system, triggers the release of oxytocin (the love hormone), and lowers stress levels.

Other studies have found that awe:

  • Makes you feel more connected with other people and the environment
  • Improves your ability to express gratitude
  • Increases happiness and life satisfaction
  • Improves focus, attention and learning
  • Helps you live in the present moment
  • Makes you more compassionate
  • Improves immune response
  • Activates the vagus nerve
  • Raises your awareness
  • Lowers inflammation
  • Improves digestion
  • Slows heart rate

There are so many benefits to experiencing awe that it’s a little surprising that it’s not a more widely-explored facet of our daily lives.

So… how do you get more awe in your life?

How to Have an Awesome Day - Every Day

A mother softly hums a lullaby as her newborn baby falls asleep in her arms.

A car stalls out in an intersection and a random stranger helps push it to safety.

The first flowers of spring begin to bloom at the local park.

Awe is all around us, if we know where to look.

In fact, being able to find awe in the mundane is one of the most beneficial life tools you can have in your belt.

But it’s not always easy to notice the beauty in our everyday normal, boring, same-old-same-old lives.

Stress, worries, distractions, fears, regrets, anxieties, and depression can preven t us from seeing the true beauty all around us. These steal our focus and drain the color from our world.

That’s why I want to share three tips that’ll make it easier for you to become aware of your awesome life that you are constantly forgetting is right there in front of you.

Tip #1: Get Out into Nature

Maybe you’ve noticed that a lot of the examples I’ve been using for awe have to do with nature. That’s because nature is essentially living art. When you can notice it, and focus on it, then you can start to build an appreciation for the planet that we live on, and begin to see that you, too, are a part of nature - a masterpiece in yourself.

It makes sense that some of the most sought-after vacation destinations have to do with natural wonders of the world.

The Northern Lights. The Grand Canyon. Mount Everest. Victoria Falls. The Great Barrier Reef. There are so many awe-inspiring examples of nature that will humble even the most smartphone-addicted teenager.

But you don’t need to book a flight or pack a bag to experience the awe that nature offers.

A local park, a community garden, and even a flock of geese passing over the neighborhood as the sun rises all offer opportunities to appreciate nature’s beauty.

Try taking a 10-15 minute walk outside with the intention of noticing nature and you might be surprised at what you find.

Tip #2: Look for the “Moral Beauty” of Others

If you’ve ever seen the comments below a YouTube video, then you know that there is a lot of moral ugliness out there. The internet inherently amplifies the negative aspects of ourselves because it drives clicks, shares, and engagement.

But if you were to spend more time with people face-to-face, then you’d see something different.

The next time you leave the house, look for the good in people.

You just might notice the kind grocery store clerk who goes out of their way to help an elderly woman carry her bags to the car.

You might see the tired neighbor who just got home from work throw a baseball around with his daughter.

You might even catch a glimpse of two college students helping each other study at the library.

Witnessing the goodness in others causes us to experience an inspiring sensation of awe that makes us want to go do good things too. It reminds us that people are better than they are made out to be online.

Tip #3: Improve Your Awareness with Meditation

Like I mentioned before, it’s tough to appreciate and become inspired by the awe around us if we’re focused on the wrong things - namely distractions, worries, and stresses of the day.

A daily practice of meditation is the #1 way to reduce stress and hone your focus so that you aren’t so distracted.

When you meditate regularly, your awareness of your thoughts, feelings and actions automatically improves. This gives you a choice about those things.

Once you’re aware, you can choose to seek the awe in your life - which practically guarantees that you’ll find it.

The Easy Way to Get More Awareness - and More Awe

As I said, the more aware you are, the less you’ll be distracted by negative thoughts and feelings. And the best way to foster awareness is with meditation.

But meditation can be challenging - especially if you don’t know how to do it.

That’s where our proprietary Holosync neuro-audio technology makes a ton of difference.

With Holosync, we take all the guesswork out of meditation. Just put on some headphones, press play, and you’ll automatically be put into a meditative state that would make a Zen monk jealous.

Our Awakening Prologue program is the best way to get started.

You can check it out right here.

It’s the easiest way to have a more “awesome” life.

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Wise Words

This Really Happened

Day 1 - I felt a great deal of tension leaving my body. I experienced several moments of open, centered grounding as I do after a particularly insightful release or realization. Afterwards, even with my big headphones on, my neck feels elongated and free.

~Monica C.
5-Day Challenge Participant

Follow this link to take the 5-Day Challenge for free!

In Case You Missed It - Listen to It!

Check out our audio recording of the Mind Power essay:

How to Stop and Smell the Flowers
Three Mindfulness Techniques
to Improve Mental Fortitude

By Ryan Standifird
March 20, 2023

We Want to Hear From You!

What was the last awe-inspiring moment you experienced?

Post your story on our Facebook Page.

Not on Facebook? Tell me about the impact that meditation with Holosync has had on your daily life. Stress? Sleep? Weight Loss? Focus? Spiritual Connection? Other? Email your story here.

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