Issue #441 – Monday, September 16, 2024
The Secret Technique Only Master Manifestors Know
By Bill Harris
“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities,
but in the expert’s mind there are few.”
- Shunryu Suzuki
Manifesting is a hot topic right now. And it should be. After all, what greater life skill is there than one that allows you to turn a vision, a goal or a dream into reality?
Today there are countless books and videos on how to manifest wealth, success, good health, and happy relationships.
But… what is manifesting, anyway?
Manifestation 101
Manifesting means harnessing the power of your thoughts and intentions to turn an idea into real tangible results.
Manifesting is really at the very core of any form of personal growth, goal, aspiration, or desire we have in life. To envision it - to see it clearly and then somehow manifest it, make it, or create it…
…well that’s the ultimate superpower of life, isn’t it?
And yet so many people struggle with it.
Even those that follow all the “manifesting rules” are often disappointed with the results.
They make a picture of their desired outcome in their minds, they write it down, they learn about the Law of Attraction, they make a vision board, they think positive thoughts to attract that desired outcome. And then, after all that work….
…nothing! Zilch! Nada!
What went wrong? The vision was so clear! The vision board was filled with positive images. They used positive thinking.
Yet the goal was never achieved, the dream still just a dream.
And in the end, they come face to face with a frustrating but undeniable fact. Something that Master Manifestors know instinctively but that few manifestation teachers really like to admit:
Positive thinking doesn’t always work.
The Limits of Positive Thinking
Positive thinking is perhaps the most foundational concept behind virtually every self-help book, workshop, or video you will ever come across.
And for good reason! After all, the world can be a pretty negative and cynical place, can’t it? Feelings of pessimism, sadness, and anger are all on the rise.
So I’m not knocking positive thinking. We could all do with a little more positivity in our lives, right?
But when it comes to manifesting, the truth is that positive thinking only gets you so far.
In a world that can feel stressful and overwhelming, a place rife with conflict and friction, positive thinking can be a very fragile thing. And that’s because positive thinking is ill-prepared for the feelings and frustrations that go with reality. It sees only the positive, which means it can handle only the positive. And life, well, isn’t always positive, is it?
Positive thinking can be a victim of its own positivity. Its vision is limited to only the good things, the hopeful things, and the things we want in our lives - love, success, happiness, and good fortune.
Master Manifestors - people who consistently get things done - know this. And that’s why they don’t rely on positive thinking to manifest their dreams.
Instead, they understand that there’s a form of thinking that’s even more powerful, and more effective than positive thinking.
I’m talking about limitless thinking.
The Power of Limitless Thinking
Unlike positive thinking, limitless thinking is not afraid of problems or setbacks. It does not discriminate between what is supposed to happen and what really happens. It doesn’t lose steam or give up when it encounters an obstacle or problem because it’s big enough to handle it. All of it. It’s limitless, after all.
And that gives it a distinct advantage over positive thinking when it comes to creating an effective manifestation mindset.
Limitless thinking is the secret of Master Manifestors because it’s boundless and vast in its vision. It knows that the universe is an infinite wellspring of opportunities and possibilities.
And perhaps most importantly, it’s not limited by our own preconceived ideas of what makes for a happy and successful life.
Ironically, these very same rigid ideas of happiness and success often keep us anchored to old ways of thinking and acting - ways that may not serve us and may act as a barrier to what we really want.
Limitless thinking is not focused on problems but on progress. Being limitless, it doesn’t expect only positive results but knows that there will be problems to solve along the way. Limitless thinking allows us to account for those problems that inevitably arise on the pathways to success and does not get derailed by every little bump in the road we encounter.
The bottom line is that limitless thinking knows that not everything has to go right in order to go forward.
Instead, it asks us to step aside from our presuppositions about how we think things should be, ought to be or must be. It invites us to break up our attachments to specific limited outcomes and stand with our arms and minds open to new possibilities we might not otherwise even know exist.
Limitless thinking provides the one thing we need most as manifestors:
Confidence that we can transcend our current circumstances and then grasp something higher and better for ourselves.
So let’s look at three key things you can do to put limitless thinking to work in your manifestation mindset starting today!
Three Tips to Start Limitless Thinking
First: Connect To The Feeling
For every goal you have, there are action steps you need to take. And sometimes we stumble right out of the gate by letting self-doubt and worry creep into our plans. We trip and fall over that very first step. What do we do? How do we do it? What if we mess it all up?
Limitless thinking asks us to start not with the action but with the feeling - the feeling of having enough money, the feeling of a loving relationship, the feeling that comes from having a job you love.
Don’t just think about the feeling, feel it in your bones!
Limitless thinking is activated the moment you connect to the feeling of having or experiencing that thing you desire. You can use “What if” questions to connect to such feelings.
“What if I wrote that bestseller?” “What if I found a job I truly loved?” “What if my life was full of joy and love?”
Second: Let Your Imagination Run Wild!
Limitless thinking only works when - you guessed it - it’s limitless. So put aside all those worries and “reasons” you won’t make it, won’t succeed, won’t get what you desire.
Let your imagination run free and explore. Our imagination is our most powerful manifestation tool, and yet too often we suppress it, dismiss it or ignore it.
But remember this: the universe is capable of much bigger things than any of us can imagine. So don’t be afraid of out-imagining what’s possible!
Limitless thinking means acknowledging the infinite, measureless, inexhaustible possibilities available to you.
Third: Think Like a Beginner
In Zen, there is the concept of the Beginner’s Mind. What’s that? It’s a mind unfettered by too much knowledge. Knowledge is important, but it can also sometimes limit us by setting up expectations for how things should be or will be. A beginner knows none of this, and can therefore be open to ideas and ways of accomplishing things that the expert may have excluded or dismissed too quickly.
Beginners are willing to experiment, explore, seek answers outside the paradigms of expertise. When the beginner looks at the world, it’s as if they are seeing it for the first time. They’re not jaded by past mistakes or confined by the expectations of others.
Master Manifestors rarely proclaim themselves as experts, but rather as students. They often have a very simple, almost childlike approach to problem solving. This is the beginner’s mind, the open mind, the ready mind, a mind hungry to learn and experience.
What Will You Manifest?
Master Manifestors know that the secret of developing a powerful manifestation mindset isn’t just positive thinking, but limitless thinking. I hope these tips will inspire you to expand your mind, cultivate your awareness, and expect the best life has to offer you!
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Wise Words
“Limitless thinking knows that not everything has to go right in order to go forward.”
- Marc Gilson
This Really Happened
"Day 3, enjoying each experience as it unfolds. A lot of anger, shame, blame and guilt last night and early this morning. Those feelings have gone and lots of calm. Noticed work went smoothly and the train ride in and home most pleasant."
~Mary L.
5-Day Challenge Participant
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