Now you can stop living paycheck-to-paycheck, get out of debt, spot opportunities, move beyond limitations, and finally achieve financial freedom.

“For anyone who struggles with money or success, we designed the Ultra Success & Wealth Suite to be a powerful, targeted, and comprehensive solution to propel

you beyond the limits imposed by the conscious mind.”

~Marc Gilson, Centerpointe Director of Client Services

This Suite Includes 4 Powerful, State-of-the-Art Soundtracks to Help You Succeed and Prosper in All Areas of Life

(No Matter What Your Current Situation)

Get the Ultra Success & Wealth Suite...

...including the FREE Bonus Track!

This 3-track set of Holosync soundtracks (plus bonus soundtrack and a special workbook) is designed to help you succeed and prosper in all areas of life (no matter what your current situation).

Note: You cannot purchase the bonus soundtrack Awareness in Action anywhere for any amount of money...but it's FREE with your purchase of the Ultra Success & Wealth Suite.

Here's what you get:

  • Track #1: Smart Choices 
    Train your unconscious to make intelligent and resourceful choices with your money while undoing old patterns of unresourceful choices.
  • Track #2: Abundance Builder 

    Learn to spot opportunities to prosper and grow your wealth,  whether you have a lot of money to start with, or very little.

  • Track #3: Limitless Success

    Tap into the power of your mind to visualize achieving virtually anything you put your mind to.

  • Free Bonus Track #4: Awareness in Action

    Create a strong plan of action. Visualize, plan, and take action that yields tangible results.

  • Free Bonus Workbook: The Success Advantage​​
    Explore your issues around money/success, break through boundaries, and create an action plan to get you where you want to be.

 (Digital download version only)


Smart Choices

Track Length: 30 minutes

An important part of a happy and successful life comes from living debt-free and within your means. But, too often our internal beliefs are tied to unhealthy or unresourceful choices that lead us in the wrong direction and cause us to make the same poor choices over and over again.


With Smart Choices, you can train your unconscious to make intelligent and resourceful choices with money and financial opportunities…

...while undoing old patterns of unresourceful choices that may cause you to struggle with financial security.


Features the powerful Holosync neuro-audio technology, specially-chosen affirmations using our proprietary Autofonix technology, and your choice of a soothing musical soundtrack or nature sounds.

Included in the Suite

(Digital download version only)


Abundance Builder

Track Length: 30 minutes

Abundance Builder is designed to help you spot opportunities to prosper and grow your wealth.

Whether you have a lot of money or very little, Abundance Builder can help you grow what you have to create and increase your financial security.


While there is no “right” or “wrong” experience, listeners of Abundance Builder can expect to feel mildly relaxed, focused, calm, and peaceful while listening.


Features the powerful Holosync neuro-audio technology, specially-chosen affirmations using our proprietary Autofonix technology, and your choice of a soothing musical soundtrack or river sounds.

Included in the Suite

 (Digital download version only)


Limitless Success

Track Length: 30 minutes

Our beliefs and values (when properly aligned) are the fuel that propels change and growth.


Limitless Success taps into that power to help you visualize achieving virtually anything you put your mind to.


Limitless Success targets the theta brainwave state––the place where our unconscious minds are free to dream and imagine without the limits sometimes imposed by the conscious mind.

Features the powerful Holosync neuro-audio technology, specially-chosen affirmations using our proprietary Autofonix technology, and your choice of a soothing musical soundtrack or ocean sounds.

Included in the Suite

(Digital download version only)


Awareness in action (Free Bonus Track)

Track Length: 30 minutes

As Centerpointe founder and Holosync creator Bill Harris said, “Awareness creates choice.” And choice gives us opportunity.


With Awareness in Action you can supercharge your brain to move beyond only dreaming and begin to take action toward your goals.


Tap into your mind’s ability to visualize and take action that yields tangible results.


Expect to feel a heightened sense of alertness and focus.

You may also experience moments of euphoria or other pleasurable experiences associated with high-frequency brain wave patterns. 

Included is an audible guided meditation specially chosen to allow the conscious mind to grasp a set of positive concepts around developing a heightened sense of awareness.

Included in the Suite

(Digital download version only)


The Success Advantage Workbook

Digital Download Only

Your Ultra Success & Wealth Suite also includes a special journal, The Success Advantage Workbook... help you explore your issues around money/success, break through boundaries, and inspire an action plan to get you where you want to be.

Included in the Suite

(Digital download version only)

Here's What Some Holosync® Users Are Saying

I’m not constantly worried about money anymore, and there just always seems to be more than enough. I’m happy, genuinely happy. The whole feel of my life has changed.

~ Cathy

This is the first year of my life that I feel there is hope for me in all areas.  I'm making more money but at the same time having more fun making it. 

~ Justin

Stoked about life...way happier...I make way more money, and I am coming to truly love and respect myself. 

~ Steve

A miracle just happened to me. I have been meditating on owning my own home and running my own business via Holosync daily for about a year now.  And today Holosync delivered.


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©2025 Centerpointe Research Institute