Why the Rich Get Richer by Bill Harris

Issue #368 – Monday, April 17th, 2023

Why the Rich Get Richer

by Bill Harris, Founder
Centerpointe Research Institute

Research shows that resources flow more easily to those who are already successful, and away from those who are unsuccessful.

This applies to bacterial colonies, human beings, and everything in between. Though seemingly cruel in terms of the individual, it’s a positive survival mechanism for the whole.

So let's look at this, as it has a significant bearing on your ability to create a happy, fulfilling life.

If you’re on the wrong side of this law you CAN reverse the trend. Let’s start with bacteria. Amazingly, bacteria have sophisticated ways of communicating, using chemical attraction and repulsion cues. As long as bacteria have food they chow down and multiply. When it’s gone, however, the colony sends scouts to look for new groceries.

Chemical Messages

Not all succeed, though. Some end up in a food desert, while others find the food court.

The unsuccessful send out “avoid me” chemical messages, saving resources on expeditions to the same area. And, they die. If a band finds food heaven, however, it sends out messages equivalent to those ten-foot signs on the roofs of diners saying "EAT!, and other bacteria come running (or oozing, or whatever bacteria do to get around.)

This happens in all living systems. Success attracts resources; failure repels them. Obviously, you want to be in the successful group. All living systems have a built-in self-destruct mechanism that…

...withdraws resources from the unsuccessful and diverts them to the successful.

Wild baboons low on the pecking order create hormonal poisons that kill their brain cells, cause their hair to fall out, and ruin their immune function. Those at the top make hormones and brain chemicals that cause well-being, self-confidence, and better health.

These winners end up with better food and living conditions, and more desirable sexual partners.

Depressed hospital patients–who need more care–are among the least likely to attract compassionate attention of their caregivers. Their complaints, anger, body language, facial expressions, and other negative behaviors drive away those who might give them the care they need.

Cheerful patients, even those with terrible illnesses or impending death, attract better care and more nurturing.

Nurses and doctors flock to them with sympathy.

This happens on microscopic levels, too. The human body contains millions of antibodies. Resources flow to antibodies that successfully find and deal with invaders, and away from those who can’t find invaders or can’t defeat those they find. Individual cells have a self-destruct mechanism called apoptosis that rids the organism of unneeded or malfunctioning cells.

At all levels of life, fairly or unfairly, there’s a mechanism that withholds resources from individuals who "fail" and gives them to who succeed.

Unsuccessful individuals’ own internal, automatic self-destruct mechanisms actually withhold positive, life-giving neurochemicals and hormones that would cause them to feel and function better.

This is called "learned helplessness."

The Flow of Resources

Those who solve a problem, for instance, benefit from the solution, but they’re also rewarded with certain hormones and neurochemicals, and with acclaim from their peers.

Those who can’t solve a problem activate mental, attitudinal, emotional, hormonal, or neurochemical self-destruct mechanisms and give off social cues that cause their peers to withhold esteem and resources.

Individuals who fail, develop learned helplessness, causing external resources to stop flowing to them and their body to shut down internal resources.

As a result, they give up.

Those who succeed and find a way to exert some control over their situation end up with greater dominance within their group, more and better food, better lodgings or living situations, and more sexual privileges. Their internal chemical factories churn out what they need in order to be healthy, clear-minded, and vital.

Truly, the rich do get richer while the poor get poorer.

So, once you're on the downward spiral, are you screwed? No, you aren’t, because you have the power to consciously and intentionally do things in a different way. Yes, when resources begin flowing to you or away from you they keep flowing in that same direction.

In fact, the flow rate usually increases.

You can, though, step out of a negative, self-destructive spiral and get on the right side of this flow of resources. Your brain is plastic, and can change. You can move to the successful side of the river of life.

When you practice doing anything, including thinking about yourself in a new way, your brain devotes more brain real estate to that function, and you get better at it.

There’s a momentum to overcome but it can be done. I've done it.

Overcoming the Self-Destructive Spiral

Into my mid-30s I was depressed, anxious, difficult to get along with, had few friends, and was scraping by on a very small income. Two things shifted me from self-destruct to success, and these methods work for anyone who uses them. The first method is Holosync. Holosync increases awareness, which allows you to see HOW you've been sabotaging yourself.

Awareness takes your self-sabotage off autopilot.

Even better, Holosync stimulates the production of the same neurochemicals and hormones made by those who are successful and are a large part of what makes life easy for those at the top-of-the-pecking-order.

These "success neurochemicals" change the self-destructive, learned helplessness momentum.

And the second way to shift yourself to the successful side of things is to look inside your own mind and see the internal processes that generate how your feelings and behaviors, what and whom you attract or become attracted to, and the meanings you assign to what happens.

Winners–those to whom resources flow–feel different than losers.

Because they feel different, they also behave differently. They feel more motivation to act in resourceful ways. And the resulting successful outcomes build on each other and generate more feel-good brain chemistry, self-confidence, positive beliefs, possibility thinking, and resourceful meanings, making each success easier than the last.

So resolve to create more awareness and use it to become one of the world’s resource magnets. You can do it!

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Wise Words

This Really Happened

I am on day 4. I feel lighter and not easily bothered by situations that might cause stress. Also, in my regular meditation I went deeper than normal. Thank you. I'm looking forward to tomorrow.
~June Lemongrass
5-Day Challenge Participant

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