Issue #386 \u2013 Monday, August 21st, 2023<\/strong><\/p>\n
Affirmations are a powerful tool for personal growth.With the right affirmations, you can boost your self-confidence, creativity, focus, and even your relationships.This is because affirmations influence your beliefs, giving you the edge when life throws that inevitable curveball. <\/strong>So, how do affirmations work? And what can you do to make sure that your affirmations are effective?To help clear things up, I\u2019m sharing an empowering essay with you today from Centerpointe Marketing Manager Kim Eggstaff<\/strong>!Kim explains the science behind affirmations and also gives you some tips so that you can use them better than ever.I know you\u2019re going to love this!Cheers,<\/p>\n
<\/span>MaryEllen Tribby<\/span><\/strong>Centerpointe CEO<\/span><\/strong><\/p>\n
P.S. The ultimate tool for conquering procrastination is here!<\/strong>If you want an easy way to get real results towards any goal in less than a month, then Procrastination Eliminator <\/strong>was made for you.Scroll down to our Check it Out<\/strong> section to learn more.<\/p>\n
By Kim Eggstaff<\/strong><\/p>\n
Today I\u2019m sharing the secrets behind the magic of affirmations. See, effective affirmations aren\u2019t just catchy phrases, but rather powerful tools that can help guide you straight towards your dreams. That\u2019s why I want to explore the science behind affirmations with you, show you how they nudge your brain in the right direction, and then give you a simple affirmation exercise that\u2019ll help you start your own journey.<\/p>\n
The Science of Affirmations<\/strong><\/p>\n
Some folks believe that repeating affirmations over and over again will manifest your desires into your life – like rubbing a magic lamp and having a genie grant your wish.But their true power stems from concrete neuroscience. <\/strong>And you don\u2019t have to hold a PHD in neurology to benefit! In fact, just knowing that my affirmations are firmly rooted in science made them all the more effective for me. Because it turns out that our thoughts and emotions are what mold the neural links in our brains, which in turn shape our worldview and our capacity to realize our objectives. So how do affirmations actually \u201cwork?\u201d<\/em><\/p>\n
Sledding Down the Brain Slopes<\/strong><\/p>\n
Picture your brain as a snowy hill and your thoughts as sleds zipping down the slopes. Every time a sled (or thought) takes a run, it carves out a path. And the more often that sled takes the same route, the deeper and more defined the path becomes. That’s a lot like how our brain forms neural connections based on our experiences and thoughts. <\/strong><\/p>\n
Now think of every affirmation as a joy ride down that hill. Each time you zoom down the slope with a positive affirmation, you’re etching a deeper, more defined track in the snow. That’s what we’re doing to our brains – creating solid pathways of positivity. And here’s the fun part – just like how a sled will naturally find and follow a well-worn track in the snow, our thoughts also tend to gravitate towards these well-traveled neural pathways. So, by repeating empowering affirmations, we’re training our brains to find and follow these positive tracks, aligning our actions more and more with our ambitions.But what about the old, negative neural pathways? <\/em>Picture them as the sled tracks that aren’t being used anymore. Gradually, they get snowed over and fade away, making it less likely for our mental sleds to veer off course. And that’s the beauty of affirmations – they help us shape our mental landscape, guiding us towards success and away from self-doubt.<\/p>\n
Crafting Effective Affirmations<\/strong><\/p>\n
When it comes to supercharging your affirmations, it’s crucial to craft them in a way that resonates with your subconscious. The more it feels like the affirmation was tailor-made for you, the more powerful it will be.Start by figuring out which parts of your life could use a bit of sprucing up. Then, instead of approaching affirmations like far-off wishes like, “I will become the world\u2019s best kazoo player,” you need to own it here and now. Try, “I AM the world\u2019s best kazoo player!” <\/strong>By wording it in the present moment, you’re not just hoping for a future where you’re a kazoo virtuoso. Nope, you’re living <\/em>that kazoo-filled dream right now. This helps bridge the gap between the kazoo novice you might be and the kazoo maestro you see yourself as, affirming your belief that you’re already in tune with your dreams. It’s about planting the seed of belief that the change you want is already unfolding.<\/p>\n
Try it Out!<\/strong><\/p>\n
Let’s demystify this affirmation process. \u00a0First, pick the affirmation that you want to etch into your brain\u2019s snowy hill. Remember that the more present and empowering it is, the more effective it will be.Next, find a comfortable spot that gives you all the good vibes. Somewhere you won’t be interrupted by the dog, the cat, or the endless ping of notifications. Now, take a few deep, soul-cleansing breaths. Get anchored in this moment, right here, right now. Close your eyes and repeat your chosen affirmation. Have faith in it. You know that deep-seated belief when you’re certain something will happen? Channel that.Now, imagine yourself living the scenario that your affirmation describes. Allow yourself to feel the emotions attached to it. And remember, always phrase them in the present moment to instill the belief that the change is happening now.Repeat your affirmations consistently. Do it in the morning, at night, and whenever you can snatch a quiet moment. Keep it up for at least 28 days – that’s about the time it takes for your brain to start laying down new neural tracks and make something a habit.Before you know it, it won\u2019t just be an affirmation anymo
\nre – but a deeply held belief that will empower you as you progress towards your goal.<\/p>\n
Harnessing the Power of Our Brains<\/strong><\/p>\n
Affirmations aren’t just about self-help jargon or wishful thinking; they’re about tapping into the remarkable power of our brains. By crafting the right affirmations, persistently rehearsing them, and truly living them in our minds, we can rewire our thought patterns and step into the life we want. Remember, it’s about steady consistency, not instant magic. <\/strong>You\u2019ll find that affirmations can be your secret weapon for personal transformation.<\/p>\n
So be bold, be consistent, and keep affirming. Your mind is listening, and your life is waiting to unfold.<\/p>\n
Using Affirmations to Beat Procrastination<\/strong><\/p>\n
Let\u2019s talk about your next 28 days and what might be holding you back from making the changes you want. You know, the thing that whispers, “Do it tomorrow,” just as you’re about to make things happen?I\u2019m talking about pesky procrastination. Let’s show it the door.<\/strong>See, here at Centerpointe we\u2019ve created a powerful tool that takes our proprietary neuro-audio technology called Holosync and combines it with our highly-effective silent-affirmation technology called Autofonix. Then we added a 28-day action plan and one-on-one accountability coaching to create the easiest way to conquer procrastination once and for all. It\u2019s called Procrastination Eliminator<\/strong> and it will help you change your mindset from procrastination to production, spur you into action, and give you real results in just 28 days. If you want to start using affirmations to improve your life, this is the easy way to start.<\/strong>So let the affirmations begin today; it’s your time to seize control and script the story of your own success!<\/p>\n
Check It Out!<\/strong><\/span>Procrastination Eliminator<\/span><\/strong><\/span><\/a> <\/u><\/p>\n
Procrastination Eliminator<\/strong><\/a><\/p>\n
Rewiring Your Brain for Ultimate Success & Happiness<\/em><\/p>\n
When we stop procrastinating, we become our best selves.<\/em><\/p>\n
This Really Happened<\/strong><\/p>\n
Follow this link to take the 5-Day Challenge for free!<\/strong><\/a><\/p>\n
In Case You Missed It – Listen to It!<\/strong><\/p>\n
Check out our audio recording of the Mind Power<\/strong><\/em> essay:<\/p>\n
The Lazy Person\u2019s Way to Meditate<\/strong><\/a>By Bill HarrisJuly 31,, 2023<\/p>\n
What is an affirmation that empowers you?<\/p>\n
Post your story on our Facebook Page.Not on Facebook? Tell me about the impact that meditation with Holosync has had on your daily life. Stress? Sleep? Weight Loss? Focus? Spiritual Connection? Other? Email your story here.<\/p>\n
Post your story on our Facebook Page.<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n
Email Us!<\/strong><\/p>\n
Pay It Forward:\u00a0<\/strong><\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n
Your story may profoundly affect the life of a person you never meet, but who will be forever grateful.<\/em><\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n
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